
Responses from soix

audiophiles get mention in today's WSJournal
OK, I'm an audiophile. I admit it. But for me to go in and compare two different speaker cables in a system and, just as importantly, in a room I'm not familiar with is a tall order. There are simply too many sonic variables that are new that woul... 
Why are LCDs more popular than plasma?
Here's an exerpt from a site that also refers to 60,000 hours of life for a plasma TV:"Now, there are varying degrees of phosphor ignition along the way (the same way a CRT fades). Dissipation begins the moment you turn the set on. After 1000 hour... 
Why are LCDs more popular than plasma?
I keep my TVs on a lot and keep them for a long time. The fact that plasmas will eventually burn out without the option to replace a bulb keeps me from going with that technology despite my general preference for the picture quality. 
Gallo Ref 3.1 or PMC GB1/FR1
You could drive yourself nuts trying to compare listening experiences at two different dealerships, and with all the variables you're just as apt to make the wrong decision as the right one.Since you obviously have access to dealers who carry both... 
Modify Oppo 980 or add External DAC?
I spoke with Ric at EVS a while back after buying his DAC 1, which I still use, and at that point he was discontinuing his own DAC in favor of modding players because he thought he got better results (in line with what Flye said above). So there's... 
This getting ridiculous / a third Hi Def format
Don_s -- I agree without the software it's a dead issue. But there are hi-def movies being released on a regular basis, and people who have either HD-DVD or Blu-ray players are raving about the images they're getting on their HD screens, so averag... 
This getting ridiculous / a third Hi Def format
You're missing the big picture here. I think this is GREAT news. The reason DVD-A and SACD weren't widely adopted is they had no meaningful, practical applicability to the mainstream public (at least as they could perceive it), and as a result we ... 
Best sub/sat for 600.00 or under?
Although the Cambridge system would probably sound fine, a lot of high-end speaker manufacturers make entry-level speakers that will offer significantly better performance for the same price or even less (and put a lot of other much more expensive... 
Good sounding, small center speaker
Thanks for the input guys. Big help.Sounds like the Maggies won't work for me since a lot of the time I'll be sitting off axis. I thought planars worked fine left to right but suffered in the vertical domain (i.e. if standing up). I think it was t... 
Stereovox SEI II Direction
From my experience with their Studio line I think it's fair to characterize these cables in general as neutral and transparent, and they seem to just pass everything through a system as is. That is to say, I don't think they're a good choice if yo... 
Leave an amp "on" permanetly
I've got a DNA 0.5 Rev A, and my system sounds horrible when cold (I literally walk over to my speakers to check if the tweeters are working -- it's that bad). After a few hours of actively playing music it starts to open up and sing, but it proba... 
Stereovox SEI II Direction
I don't know for sure about the SEI II, but I know Chris Sommovigo contends there is no directionality in his Studio series of cables and I'm guessing it's the same with his higher end cables, especially if there are no direction arrows on the ICs... 
Moving from Blue Heaven to Silver Reference II
I'm running an Oppo 970 into an EVS DAC1, a Marsh 2000b preamp, and a McCormack DNA Rev. A. Relatively speaking I find these to be fairly neutral components that pass the majority of information through with very little editorializing of their own... 
Moving from Blue Heaven to Silver Reference II
I also run Satori Shotgun into Soliloquy 6.2s, and while the Matrix II will add some midrange heft the 6.2s already have a fairly weighty midrange on their own. The problem is that the 6.2s aren't the quickest speakers on the planet, at least in t... 
AZ vs VD speaker cables & ics
If you're using the original AZ Matrix interconnects you might try the latest version -- much quicker and less heavy sounding than the original while retaining the soul of the music.