
Responses from soix

Smooth Sounding Tube Amps that Can drive ATC
Seems like you're pushing a bad hand here. ATCs may work with 50wpc tubes, but sounds like they really don't open up fully until you give them some real juice (even more of an issue because you listen to Rock/Pop). I would think to do that with tu... 
Improve my system
I think Queefee makes some good points. I think your most noticeable overall improvement per dollar spent would come from implementing Audyssey into your system in some way if you haven't already (I'm not familiar with your processor). After that ... 
SS Amp Recommendations?
Maybe in this rotten economy someone will sell you a McCormack DNA 0.5 for around $500. It'll have some years on it but they've proven to be a pretty reliable/robust design, and resale is good. Mine's over 10 yrs old and the only thing I've done i... 
Linn amps vrs Bryston
"Cleanest and most detailed" certainly sounds like Bryston to me, and in my system no other amplifier controlled bass better. The fact that other people have liked them with Maggies is also a good sign. Spectron sounds like a good recommendation a... 
processor that could serve as a good preamp
Is your priority 2-channel or multi-channel? Music or movies? If it's the former in both cases you might consider buying a $300 A/V receiver for multi-channel processing duties and invest in a good stereo preamp that you can leave in place for ser... 
recommendations for upgrading Bryston BP-26
I suppose in addition to the Levinson mentioned above something from Classe or McIntosh might work. For some reason I'm having a really hard time thinking of a ss preamp that will do what you're looking for (I've got a BP-6 by the way), but on the... 
Cheap receiver + amp vs Expensive receiver
Man, given your priorities (which are identical to mine by the way) I'd buy one of the brands you mentioned in the $500 range with the audyssey room correction built in and be done with it. Take the grand you save and put it into your 2-channel ri... 
Usher BE-718 & Zu Druid Sepakers
What don't you like or what are you looking to improve upon over the Ushers? With the McCormack amp you certainly don't need more sensitive speakers, so I find it strange you mention that at all unless you're looking to go to a low-powered SET or ... 
Cheap receiver + amp vs Expensive receiver
This is impossible to answer due to too many variables, but keeping it general...If you're using this setup strictly for HT (where sound quality is not the only focus) I would tend to doubt the preamp section of a $1500 receiver will make a huge d... 
Dedicated line help
My dedicated lines are being run as I type this. Thanks for all the advice. My electrician is running the lines on the same leg and not sharing a neutral bus, which I don't know if he would've done had it not been for your advice. I ended up runni... 
Sub $500 CDP
Since the transport is the most likely candidate to fail, maybe buy something cheap but decent like the Oppo 980H for $170 new and buy a very good used DAC for around $250 - $300. Add something like an Apogee Wyde Eye digital cable and you're good... 
SS Amps that are NOT warm and euphonic ?
As others have mentioned, Bryston fits your description exactly. 
Dedicated line help
Thanks a lot guys. Very helpful and I feel much better moving forward now. 
Buy new TV now or wait for 3D technology?
"I don't want to buy a TV and have it obsolete the next year. What do you think?"I think whatever you buy will be obsolete within a year. Panasonic seems committed to plasma and you can get an excellent 50" 1080p for $1100 or so. If it works for 3... 
Ideas for used SS amp
Clayton amps might be worth a look as well.