
Responses from soix

12' x 14' room; $10k budget for speakers; help
You don't mention what amp so not sure of power, but from a sound standpoint some brands/models worth looking at:Rockport MiraJoseph Audio Perspectives (or maybe even Pulsars)NolaSonus FaberVandersteen Quatro WoodGiven your room is on the smaller ... 
Upgrade AVP or separate preamp/DAC for 2 channel?
In theory, if the stereo pre has a HT bypass (or even if it didn't) shouldn't the room correction still work for HT? Personally I wouldn't use the room correction for stereo listening, and with the 1028s I question needing the sub for that as well... 
Upgrade AVP or separate preamp/DAC for 2 channel?
If you're serious about 2-channel definitely go with a stereo preamp to handle the front L/R speakers and use the Onkyo to process the center/surround channels. The preamp can be one of the most important influences on the kind of sound you get fr... 
Anyone try Supra LoRad 2.5 PCs?
Thanks Daveyf. Looks like I'll go all LoRad 2.5s with Wattgates and see how it works out. Incidentally, what kind of differences did you notice versus the Diamondbacks and any others (i.e. stock, etc.) you may have tried? Have you tried it on a pr... 
Under 1500$ Solid State Amp for Usher Be-718
Noticed there's a nice McCormack DNA-1 Rev A available now for $1400 that might pair nice with the be-718s. Best of luck. 
Stereo sub amp recommendations
Are the Polk subs good? How old are they? Wondering if it's worth dropping $500 on a new amp for these or if saving for some new subs might be a better way to go? Example, you can get a pair of very good powered SVS subs for about $1300 (I'm actua... 
Speaker suggestions
Anyone try Supra LoRad 2.5 PCs?
Thanks guys. So, what I'm thinking is that I want something a little beefier for my SS amp that puts out about 125W. I'm considering getting a 5 foot run of DH Labs Power Plus (7 bucks per foot) for my amp since it might appreciate the added bulk,... 
Speakers to consider around 5k used?
I think Sonus Faber is a good recommendation and possibly Dynaudio too, and to those I'd add Joseph Audio, Nola, and Vandersteen. You're fortunate to have many good high-end dealers within an hour or so (traffic permitting of course), so definitel... 
Tact MKII ?
Oops, forgot this is the HT section. I should mention I've only heard Tact in a stereo setting, not multi-channel. 
Please grade my recent pick up
What is CL? 
Any clear winners: small speakers/small room....
You don't mention any sonic traits you're looking for, but a good all-arounder I've heard is the Silverline Minuet. Good disappearing act and excellent imaging, and I thought the bass to be better than what I've read in reviews and probably fine f... 
Tact MKII ?
I've heard it demonstrated at a show and at someone's house. The differences and improvements in both cases were huge (as in, I wouldn't want to listen without it anymore) so I'd think it would probably help your system as well, but I have no idea... 
The high range on my speakers are harsh...
I'd bring the speakers to your friend's house too and see if the problem exists. If it doesn't you may be having a speaker cable or dirty connection problem somewhere in the chain. The fact that you re-connected your amp to your speakers and the p... 
Power cord recommendation for DAC
Yeah, and as we all know these cables are so system and listener dependent you really need to try at least a few to see what works specifically for you. Reviews are somewhat helpful for certain components, but especially with cables they really ne...