
Responses from soix

Berkeley Alpha vs Weiss 202 vs Ayre QB9 vs ?
Bill - haven't read the whole thing yet, but the DAC202 was praised as being very natural sounding and likely to appeal to those who love vinyl and have a hard time warming up to digital. I think he said dynamics were not a strong point, images we... 
AU24e Interconnects - but warmer
In your case I tend to agree with Ebm. If I were you I'd try adding a rug with thick padding to see if that helps or change the speakers (by the way, are you listening with the grills on as Paradigm recommends?). But that's me.If you're intent on ... 
Interconnect question
I have found the interconnect between a preamp and amp can make a large difference in the sound of a system, and I think that will hold despite your TT maybe having less than optimal leads. You will be changing the nature (and probably quality) of... 
Berkeley Alpha vs Weiss 202 vs Ayre QB9 vs ?
Just got the new 'pile in the mail and there's a comparison between the Weiss 202, the Debussey, and the Bel Canto DAC3.5vb. I'm sure personal preference comes in huge here, but I found the comparison between the three interesting. 
Totem Arro vs Silverline Prelude vs Salk Songtower
I think you're looking to cram a square peg into a round hole here. I've heard the Preludes and they do a nice job of creating a 3D image. In fact, you could probably save some coin for a bedroom system and get the Minuets because they do a great ... 
Any other Sony SS-AR1 owners out there?
Yes, but Audiozen you did denegrate the Sonys in your original post by saying:"the Sony is no match against the 7T's which blow the Sony's out the window."I'm sure you heard what you heard and that the Aerials are great speakers in their own right... 
Surge protection for new Panasonic Plasma TV
I've been using an APC 15 (I think) on my Panny plasma for the past 3.5 years. Not sure it improved picture quality (then again not sure it didn't since I didn't do a detailed A/B comparison), but through heavy use and multiple power outages and b... 
Berkeley Alpha vs Weiss 202 vs Ayre QB9 vs ?
In case you haven't seen it, there was a review in Positive Feedback several months ago that compared the Ayre, Berkeley, and Bel Canto DAC3.5vb directly that I found pretty interesting. I had the BC DAC3vb in my system as a loaner and was highly ... 
Hi Fi Dealers in NYC - where to find them?
I like Audio Connection as well. Just don't say anything bad about Vandy and you'll be good.Also, it's worth the trip to Boston to go to Goodwins. Very nice up there and an outstanding selection of equipment. 
Experience with Acoutic Zen, PAD and Furutech
Haven't heard the others, but I've had the AZ Silver Ref. IIs and Satori shotgun biwire cables in my system for years. I've had several other manufacturers in here, but nothing so far has unseated the AZs. What they offer is lots of detail that's ... 
Has LED caught up to Plasma?
I've had a 50" Panny plasma for almost 6 years. For various reasons it's on I'd say almost 18 hours a day and I've never had a problem. I have it hooked up to an APC power conditioner with power regulation (we have frequent power outages/brown out... 
Solid state warm up?
I assume this is a used amp and therefore already broken in. I leave my McCormack amp on 24/7 (partly for sound quality but also because I don't like turning electronics on/off frequently), but on those occasions when I turn it off and it gets col... 
Do Plinius amps have high frequency anomalies?
Out of curiosity, have you tried other amps in your system and not found this issue? Guess I'm just wondering how you've determined this is due to the amps and not possibly the preamp, speakers, source, etc.? 
Totem "Fire" Element series monitors
Haven't heard'em, but I think Reference 3a also offers crossoverless designs and their deCapo monitors are "only" around $3k. Personally I'd like to hear them both. 
Pre-amp with balanced suggestions?
Sounds like a Bryston BP26 might be right up your alley. Ultra transparency, dead quiet background, holographic imaging, absolute neutrality with nothing added, and a the balance of a 20-year warranty if you can find one. Best of luck.