
Responses from soix

Poor man's Rockport Atrias?
"While I am willing to spend $20K on speakers I would of course prefer to spend less even if it means giving up some performance."Yeah right. Who you think you talkin' to here? You know as well as the rest of us those Rockports infected your audio... 
Sutherland 20/20 v Manley Chinook
I'm in the same ballpark for a phono pre and the VTPH-1 (one for sale here now), the Allnic H1201, and Sutherland are all high on my radar as well. I'd also mention there's a Parasound JC3 for sale here that could be interesting as well. Best of l... 
Any Well Tempered Amadeus Users Going Mat-less?
Dhcod -- have you (or anyone else) heard a Simplex vs. an Amadeus in an A/B comparison, and if so what were the sonic differences between the two? Thanks for any thoughts. 
Advice on monitor/bookshelves under $2,000
Since you've liked Alons in the past why not take a look ate the Nola Boxers? Great reviews, and you can add an Announcer center speaker later (or another Boxer). I think Joseph Audio RM7s are also worth a look although you'll need to find them us... 
Thinking About A Change
Crap, forgot to mention PSB and GoldenEar as well. 
Thinking About A Change
"The only thing lacking in the N804s is a more robust bass"I was doing some consulting work for a high-end audio dealer in the early 2000s and got to hear the 804s directly compared to several other brands. I don't mean this to be a jerk, but the ... 
Subwoofer for Beginner
Agree with Yogiboy. But if you can spend an extra $150 the SB-12NSD might be a worthwhile upgrade looking longer term. The bigger question is how you plan to integrate the sub with your monitors since that will be key. I think the Velodyne (former... 
Thinking About A Change
What aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you and what areas would you like to improve upon? Tough to make any meaningful recommendations without having some idea of these. 
RIP Panny Plasmas
What is it with females and their apparent love affair with Pangea PCs? Are they stiffer than other PCs? 
Power Cords: A Skeptic Looking to Dabble...
Problem with building your own is that if you don't like the result you're pretty much stuck as you probably can't return them and probably can't sell them for very much if anything. That said, I plan on doing that with some Supra Lorad 2.5 or DH ... 
Help designing a home theater/listening room
As an adjunct to Peter's comment, sound "proofed" does not necessarily mean sound "good." Before you do anything to your room I'd recommend you read Earl Geddes' "Premium Home Theater." It will give you a great understanding of what (and what NOT)... 
Remote volume control = unacceptable compromise?
Placette also makes a passive pre that can be used as a remote volume control and is not too pricey. 
Need a very neutral interconnect-
My experience is similar to Mihorn's. The way I put it is some components/cables that have more of a "quiet" or "black" background is like hearing a band playing directly in front of a thick, black curtain. Everything on the stage is a little more... 
Soliloquy 6.3 amp?
Agree with Jmcgrogan. I've got the 6.2s and have no problem powering them with a 100WPC amp, but the 6.3s have those dual woofs so they might require a little more control than mine. Another key stat would be minimum impedance -- if they drop to 4... 
Add DAC or mod player?
I'd experiment with some good, used DACs or demo some new ones rather than pump money into an older CD player. It can also allow you to start to explore hi-res music at some point if you want. Best of luck.