
Responses from soix

Floorstanders for $3500
I believe it's also important to look at impedance perhaps even more so than sensitivity given your amp's relatively generous power rating for a tube amp. For example, the Revels drop below 4 Ohms at two different parts of the frequency spectrum (... 
Floorstanders for $3500
You listed some great speakers. Not sure how tube friendly some of them are, but I'll throw in the Reference 3A Grand Veenas and Joseph Audio RM25XLs, both of which are for sale here now. I think their outstanding imaging and naturally neutral sou... 
Floorstanders for $3500
Agree with Roscoe. Totally depends on what's important to you in terms of sound reproduction. 
Is $3000 pushing the limits for a geat monitor??
Feel like a broken record, but what aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you? 
Speaker suggestions - Pass XA30.5 $3500
There's a pair of Ref 3A Grand Veenas for sale near your price range, and also some Joseph Audio RM25XLs for sale a bit under your price target. Both are great imaging speakers and are both relatively easy to drive. Best of luck. 
need help with speakers $1200 hopefully less
I listen to Barber and Krall too, and with that music I'd especially want good imaging and soundstaging along with excellent midrange reproduction among other things. The Silverline Preludes would be a very nice option, and there's a used pair of ... 
need help with speakers $1200 hopefully less
Need to know more about what you're looking for sonically before making any meaningful recommendations. 
Integrated amp/DAC combinations for around $3K?
Depends largely on what aspects of sound are most important to you, but the Hegel H300 gets great reviews and includes a built-in DAC. Or maybe a Rogue Sphinx with an outboard DAC from Bryston, NAD, Wyred 4 Sound, etc. Best of luck. 
Golden Ear Triton7 spk: High-end or just mid -fi??
What are your top priorities in terms of sound reproduction? You stated what you don't want to give up, but that's not really the whole picture and would be very helpful to know more about your preferences. One thing to consider is you have a near... 
Soliloquy replacement parts
I think Dave Berman, former President of Soliloquy, posted here a while back that he has some parts so you might try getting in touch with him. 
Can't decide on Integrated Amp - Please Help
Given what you said you're looking for I'd think an integrated from Hegel, Ayre, Pass Labs, or Plinius among others would be a large step forward in all those areas you listed. Of those I only see a Hegel H200 currently available in your price ran... 
RMAF - Loudspeakers that you don't want to miss
I recall a while back that people were waiting quite a while for their Vapor speakers? Could be confusing them with someone else (Evolution Acoustics maybe?) and not sure if that's still the case, but if so it may just be the speakers were initial... 
Can't decide on Integrated Amp - Please Help
Some very good suggestions above, but recommendations would be much more targeted and meaningful if you told us what aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you and/or what you would like to improve upon. 
Pre + Amplifier Recommendation
If changing speakers is on your radar now or in the near future -- and it appears it is -- just do that first. You know why. Best of luck. 
Power Cord Wall to Conditioner
Triode Wire Labs PCs also get nice reviews and have a good trial period. Best of luck.