
Responses from soix

Power Cords: A Skeptic Looking to Dabble...
Problem with building your own is that if you don't like the result you're pretty much stuck as you probably can't return them and probably can't sell them for very much if anything. That said, I plan on doing that with some Supra Lorad 2.5 or DH ... 
Help designing a home theater/listening room
As an adjunct to Peter's comment, sound "proofed" does not necessarily mean sound "good." Before you do anything to your room I'd recommend you read Earl Geddes' "Premium Home Theater." It will give you a great understanding of what (and what NOT)... 
Remote volume control = unacceptable compromise?
Placette also makes a passive pre that can be used as a remote volume control and is not too pricey. 
Need a very neutral interconnect-
My experience is similar to Mihorn's. The way I put it is some components/cables that have more of a "quiet" or "black" background is like hearing a band playing directly in front of a thick, black curtain. Everything on the stage is a little more... 
Soliloquy 6.3 amp?
Agree with Jmcgrogan. I've got the 6.2s and have no problem powering them with a 100WPC amp, but the 6.3s have those dual woofs so they might require a little more control than mine. Another key stat would be minimum impedance -- if they drop to 4... 
Add DAC or mod player?
I'd experiment with some good, used DACs or demo some new ones rather than pump money into an older CD player. It can also allow you to start to explore hi-res music at some point if you want. Best of luck. 
Need a very neutral interconnect-
I think Nordost is generally perceived to have very few sonic colorations although some may feel they're a little thinner/lighter sounding than a lot of others. I find the Acoustic Zen Silver Reference IIs to be pretty close to straight down the m... 
New Speakers/Amps
If you think you might get more serious about this down the road I agree with the others who said ditch the sub for now and get the best monitors/floorstanders you can afford (some good ones listed above) along with the best NAD integrated you can... 
Weiss is so underrated
"there are good sounding components and bad sounding components, system matching and taste come in secondary to that."Not sure you can draw polar opposites and absolutes like this in audio -- there are lots of gray areas. System matching and perso... 
Bel Canto DACs
I demoed the BC DAC3VB in my system a while back and if I had the coin it would still be here (the VB is a must have by the way -- night and day to the stock unit and I had both here). Nicely detailed but in a very natural-sounding kind of way -- ... 
Integrated Recommendation
Lots of good suggestions here. I'll add the Rogue Sphinx with tube input stage and Class D output that puts out 100WPC and doubles that into 4 Ohms. It comes in a couple hundred bucks under your price point new. There was a review recently in Abso... 
Weiss is so underrated
Nice that you've been able to compare to so many good competitors and still like yours best. I'd be very interested how a Bel Canto DAC3.5VB would compare to the Weiss if you ever get a chance. 
Best speakers for $1500 or less?
You haven't really specified what it is you like so much about the 1.5s or what's important to you from a sound reproduction standpoint so tough to make specific recommendations. I demoed the 2.5s in my system so I probably have a good idea of wha... 
Best speakers for around 30K?
Oops, forgot to mention the Rockport Avior as well. 
Best speakers for around 30K?
This really won't be very helpful unless you provide the characteristics of sound reproduction that are important to you as nobody will be able to say why they're recommending a particular speaker specifically for you. You certainly have a diverse...