Responses from soix
AV cabinet for large center channel. There are stands made for putting larger center speakers on the floor that angle the speaker upwards. If this passes the WAF test it's probably your simplest and cheapest solution. | |
Looking for a preamp used under 5k Sell the 205! Use funds toward this fantastic preamp... this... use... | |
Best amp options between $2k-$4 to power Magnepan 1.7? Here's a recently upgraded McCormack DNA-2 LAE a little over your price range. Good luck bettering this beast... | |
What would be good preamp to run McCormick dna1 +1 @4hannons -- what's your budget and what sound characteristics are most important to you? | |
Considering purchasing different speakers "If speakers are making something "more" [holographic, as in your example] or "less" than what’s handed to it, you have a problem."Problem is, there's no way to know that unless you made the recording yourself. Only thing we can do is compare spe... | |
Considering purchasing different speakers The JA house sound pretty much nails exactly what you're looking for as well or better than any other speaker I can think of, and no need to close your eyes as they also pull off an incredible disappearing act in room. I heard the Mozarts a while... | |
Joseph Audio RM-33LE vs DeVore Gibbon 8, my experience. Good for you!!! Big JA fan here, but never heard the RM33s so no opinion there. But you know what? You did it the RIGHT WAY that most of us don't get the opportunity to do. It is SO clear you made the right choice. It even makes ME feel good ... | |
Speaker recommendation for Home Theater "Sorry Soix we beg to differ. We have a full home theater room with some state of the art components and when you have a real home theater setup the experience is transcendent."Shocker. A dealer, shamelessly again trying to use this site to deneg... | |
Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9 @lous -- how about sharing the info about the speakers? That would be helpful. | |
What is the best way to approach improving room acoustics? Buy the book "Premium Home Theater" by Earl Geddes. It's a very approachable and practical book that will not only give you helpful ideas and solutions but also give you a good foundation in room acoustics in general. Geddes writes in a way that... | |
Best bookshelf speakers You've got some great recommendations here. I'll add the Joseph Audio RM7si, Silverline SR-17.5, and Amphion Argon 3s, all available used now. Sorry to make your job harder, but these are all worth a look given what you're looking for. https://t... | |
Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9 @sciencecop -- I've also heard several JA speakers at home, in dealers, and at shows (including the Perspectives with my own music), and I've never heard anything indicating breakup or distortion in any of the models I've heard. Nor have I read a... | |
Speaker recommendation for Home Theater I'm with @m-db on this. If this isn't for critical 2-channel listening and more for just enjoying movies and TV, you can spend less than one third of your budget on speakers and still have one damn good sounding home theater. I say this because ... | |
help decide what av receiver under $1k to choose Well, a first step is to identify how many channels you need. That could be 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, etc. and if you want to include ATMOS. Is your budget just for audio or does it also need to cover a display? | |
Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9 Why not put a bid on these? Since you know you really like them it might be worth a drive to pick up... |