
Responses from sogood51

Should this forum have a warning label?
Lots of forums...this may be one of the better ones for a newbee to find if his interests are strickly audio. Seems to be an older crowd with years of collected experience on even the oldest components.The other forums which are good but may be le... 
Best HOME system you've ever heard
Tuff question, I guess mine as I live in an audiophile starved area for the last 20 years. The few audiophiles I have run across...had the gear, but not the room, or knowledge to set it up properly IMO.It's hard to bring everything together what w... 
What is standard ouput in V RMS of a CDP?
trying to upgrade speakers
If you are new to audio then you may be fairly new to this site? At the top of the Audiogon home page is a search box with an ADVANCED option next to it. Click advanced, in the ZIP CODE search option you can find speaker systems for sale which are... 
New Cowboy Junkies- Wow
Great find buddy!...I listened to 60 second snips of all the songs and I LIKE IT.Trinity Sessions spoiled me so bad that I never liked anything else they did...and I tried hard because that voice of hers is killer IMO.I think they tried to rock (a... 
Which preamp to buy?
Preservation is the key word here, to preserve all that is good within the system while gaining in the areas you feel are it's weakness.Dave 
got my tube pre-amp running, just one problem
LOL, thats funny Chad. Glad it sounds so good!...what tubes are in it?Dave 
Is solid state obsolete?
You fall to easy towards the flavor of the month me thinks!Dave 
Watts vs input sensitivity __2 Different size Amps
I'm not sure what your doing...or what these guys are saying is even important.I'm sure you know that the lesser power amp is the limiting factor.Dave 
Watts vs input sensitivity __2 Different size Amps
Are you bi-amping? You will want to match the gain. As long as the source has enough output for full power (most cdp's are 2v output).The draw on the power supply will be as needed.Dave 
Down to 3 choices - opinions requested
Rare at Audiogon: use one with my Krell Ksa-250 and Apogee Duetta Signature speakers...just add some good NOS tubes. No remote and single ended in case that matters.P.S. I do not kn... 
Should i cross speakers over to "small"?
You may be better off, much less strain on your receiver that way.I had the same problem at one time (5 VMPS speakers plus 1 VMPS sub) and an under powered receiver.My mains were VMPS Supertowers, the lower section of these are the large VMPS subs... 
Amperex tubes questions
I have a pair of Amperex 7308 USN-CEP's that I sometimes use in my Audioprism Mantissa preamp...very nice from top to bottom!The 7308's are for someone not wanting to much of a good thing IMO...if your looking for lots of color, it's not there.Dave 
beveridge speakers are coming back
TomNo, I can't remember which shop it was. That stretch of Woodward (9 mile to around 14 mile) had 5-6 high-end shops in those days...seems like it was on the south bound side.I do remember that cd had hit the market around or not long after I lis... 
Anyone compared Ack 1.2E with Audio Mirror
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