
Responses from sogood51

Hearing loss and center image
My Audioprism Mantissa preamp volume controls can be set for 1.5db steps...exactly what I do when I sit off center, which is very often because I'm on the computer a lot!Dave 
Is Apogee in a class by itself among planars?
Eldartford...from the Apogee forum regarding the Apogee magnet layout:"Apogee bass panels are single-ended...(Magnets on one side only) As the panel moves backward toward the magnets,the magnetic field gets stronger. As the panel moves away from t... 
What can come after Apogee Divas ?
You can repair yourself or have the work done for you if you would like to keep them.Info. and repair link:, as mentioned above....the new Classic built by Graz is an option if you would like to by new. Info. on the C... 
Is Apogee in a class by itself among planars?
The Stage is a very special speaker...midrange to die for when properly driven, In "that area" it is in a "Class by itself".I own a pair of Duetta Signatures...properly setup in a large dedicated room...I'm MORE than happy.Dave 
If $ was no object what speaker would you buy?
The new Perigee DEFINITIVE full planar reference...everything Apogee could have been..and more! 
Newbie wants tube recommendations
I've listened to the Legacy Audio Classics with tubes a few years back, they sounded great. I'm sure the Jolida will have several qualities that will be pleasing...strong bass response will not be one of them.Not much point in owning near fullrang... 
how much to $pend to claim i am an audiophile?
WARNING:News travels fast, start reading will have a lot of questions to answer as you become "the go to guy" with the answer.P.S....a crash course on OPINIONS is a good thing.Dave 
how much to $pend to claim i am an audiophile?
You don't even need to own a system to be an audiophile (you'll want to though)... I was an audiophile long before I owned my first system.Dave 
Newbie wants tube recommendations
With your speakers you will want an amp that retains some of the better qualities of solid, deep powerful bass.Not all tube amps are created equal...stay away from the classic tube sound types IMO...they work best with bookshelf speaker... 
Did I really need a sub woffer in the first place?
I tried a sub with my full range speakers (not Energy) for a while, wasn't worth the time and effort as my speakers sound great without it...had to give it a try though.I moved the sub to the hometheater where it gets a strong workout at movie tim... 
Check out
Yep...I get my one a month (or more) from them. Not a whole lot to pick from but still well worth keeping a nice little queue full of cd's.Dave 
Can I add a post-amp to this..JVC RX-DV31SL DVD.
The specs on that unit are not very good...try "Outlaw Audio" for a good budget system.Dave 
Where to buy replacement Linaeum ET 6 tweeters?
I have some speakers that were made by Aurasound...I think this company bought the rights to the "Linaeum" design from what I read somewere.Aurasound made a line called "AURA" that used both di-pole and mono-pole Linaeum tweeters...these are no lo... 
Here is a AA member review. 
Room Acoustics
Some good info to be found here: