
Responses from sogood51

You may also want to take a look at the Vmps 626R's..these use ribbons down to 166HZ. Not maggies but still with that great planer mid/high signature. They also have a pretty good bottom end to them @ around 45HZ.Dave 
PCM or Bitstream
Pcm uses your players Dac..Bitstream uses your processor's Dac. Most (not all) pre/pro's have the better Dac so you should hear some kind of difference. Do you have a good digital cable? Maybe both Dac's are very close in quality.Dave 
weak link/improvement to my system: advice
I would take a long and hard look at your room, maybe contact someone like Rives and have them work up a plan for your room.Your system (If you like it's sonic signature at this point) and only dislike a few of it's traits could reap huge gains, m... 
SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel
Dvd players don't play Dvd-audio unless they are also a Dvd-audio player. They will play compressed DD if thats what you mean.Dave 
Which is more important?
Nice system, you could play around with some tubes for something a little different..But, the next level for you is small steps as your system has gone past mid-fi level IMO. I would also note that with your present quarters you have the same prob... 
Question re: HT furniture/set up
You have the same problem many of us have, our eyes and ears are pretty much at the same level. How to place the center of the picture and the center channel speaker at eye/ear level? Well, the best I could do was to raise the picture a couple of ... 
Apogee speakers repairable?
Almost all Apogee models can be repaired, the small/mid-sized models are said to be not to hard to do. The new replacement ribbons from (Graz) are said to sound even better than the stock ribbons.You can find Graz at the Apogee forum. Several memb... 
Can I integrate 5Ch Surround with my Stereo setup?
Your pre/pro will have level control for all channels for DD/DTS movies. For SACD and DVD-audio surround music..level control for all channels is built into the player. You are good to go!!Dave 
Mirage M3-si vs OM-6
The M-3si needs to be out into the room and is very power hungry. If you can deal with this you will have a fine speaker system. I have never listened to the OM-6's.Dave 
7K for preamp,HT processor, source
Speaking of McCormack..they have a multichannel pre-amp, I think it runs around $2,000. Most players now days have built in DD/DTS decoders that you could use for movies.Dave 
Inactive speakers...some measurements
Eldartford, I agree with you now as I did before.Dave 
Peter Gabriel and music like his
If you have an sacd player, check out BECK.Dave 
Power + a bit of warmth for $2K or less?
Find a Krell Ksa-150 that has been back to Krell in the last couple of can find these at around $1,700-$2,000. I don't know about the Spectron (I have never listened to one), but this amp has what you are looking for and has plenty of p... 
implementing cary 306/200 cdp in home theatre
What type of hook up for video does your TV have? Use it's best video quality input. For sound, just use analog outputs from your dvd player to your pre-amp unless you plan to buy a surround sound system.Dave 
Professional Calibration Question
I have found that the best way to set up sound in a room is with test equipment, final adjustment done by ear. I start with an odd/even grid of the room and simple masking tape, I then take measurements..fine tune from there. Of course this does n...