
Responses from sogood51

Apogee Duetta Signature: Optimum placement
My advice in regards to the X-over upgrade assumed that Darrell is a new owner of these speakers. This is why I said it would be best to get to know the speakers first. If for some reason he would not keep the great loss on resale. Th... 
Apogee Duetta Signature: Optimum placement
Hi DarrellDidn't mean to sound like your amp did not have enough power, My point was more of a reference to the speakers. The Ksa-250's output into one ohm load is almost three times greater than your amp..yet when the speakers were bi-amped their... 
Apogee Duetta Signature: Optimum placement
If you don't already know This is the Apogee forum, lots of good info.Dave 
Apogee Duetta Signature: Optimum placement
I would wait on any upgrades until you have had the speakers for a while..get to know them kind of thing. Mine are five feet out with no toe-in and 8 feet between MRT's. My room is 27'X 23' with the speakers on the 27' wall and tip-back is the sam... 
What to add to my system for best sound?
Hi JulieLots of good advice posted, I helped my sister find and setup a system very much like yours last year. I spent a couple of hours setting it up for her and I must say that I was impressed with it's over-all sound (so was she). A couple of m... 
Need help with a good quality speaker setup
Bipolars need plenty of room and sound best well into the room IMO, If you can't place them that way I would stay clear of that design. I'm not up on the new Definitive Tech. speakers but have listened to the old Mirage M1/M3's many times and thou... 
Bryston 4BSST - to much power for Studio 60v2's ?
The extra power will be a plus, your system should sound very good with the new preamp as compaired to the receiver. The Paradigm's will take to the exta power like a fish takes to water. Put some good interconnects between your new compononts.Dave 
Need help with a good quality speaker setup
Agree with Stehno, your room demensions should give a smooth bass response with full-range speakers.Dave 
Satori Shotgun or Hologram
I agree with Rsbeck, On the other hand..If you like the speakers a good sub would add far more bang for buck than the cables will. You could also replace the cheap jumper with a better one for not much money.Dave 
Help on purchasing a used high high end system
That is not a system for a Novice IMO, $8,000 will buy you a very good system on the used market (on the new market for that matter). Get a well thought out plan going first, one that takes your wants-needs-room into account and go from there. Eve... 
Advice: Hooking up DVD for 2-ch. analog AND coax
I understand, when I got my computer about three years ago I was lost..seems pretty simple now, heck friends even call for help when theirs crash.Dave 
Which surr/proc to go w/ Krell & Thiels?
I have Krell amps and Apogee speakers, I use the Sunfire theatergrand from it's balanced outs to the Krells, not a bright bone in it's body!Dave 
Advice: Hooking up DVD for 2-ch. analog AND coax
Dvd audio is analog signal so the digital output won't work for that, it will output a low-rez down mix though. As far as hooking up everything else the way you want to, you will just switch inputs on the receiver. If you have the two channel anal... 
Review: Blue Circle Audio Sugarbrie Tube Preamp Tube preamp
Thats a great story and glad you like the pre, I will need a new pre in this next year. If I don't go with another passive I may go tube..Gilbert sounds like just the kind of audiophile/designer I like to deal with. I've always read great things a... 
Who has a separate DVDA and SACD player?
Here is a switch-box