Responses from sns
Zavfino Has anyone heard the Highland MkII or Gold Rush phono cables? | |
Optical Isolation @navyachts I have no experience with etherRegen. This is what I can say in regard to coax. In early days of streaming ran long ethernet cable from ISP modem to router (my internet service inlet in dedicated listening room). I then experimented wit... | |
Upsampling, Can there be too much? @erik_squires has it correct, I've experienced this. @adasdad looks like he's found the answer for basic chain with similar setup. I no longer pay attention to over sampling up sampling, whatever, 16/44 is just fine, and with your Aurender t... | |
Streamed music sounds awful in my system and I don't know why .... You can modify the pc diy route as some above have mentioned, you can also go lower, medium grade off the shelf streamer, and then there are top of line streamers. My choice is top of line streamer budget allowing. Streams should be virtually indi... | |
Downloads Versus Streaming @goofyfoot I'd spend the $3600 you mentioned on streaming setup, amazing sound quality possible and library of music available nearly limitless. The most difficult thing is choosing which components to purchase within your budget. Funny thing ... | |
Optical Isolation @navyachts here are Sonore instructions for running Tidal, | |
Upgrade path question. Upgrade analog or turn to digital? @4krowme I've finally finished my streaming setup, far superior to my vinyl which is not half bad, so now in process of upgrading my vinyl setup. Both can be entirely satisfying, only financial considerations should impact going with both or limit... | |
Downloads Versus Streaming So many variables with streaming, I agree streams can sound as good as downloads. My streams have taken recent uptick in that I can now use a variety of combinations of music players. Both off the shelf and proprietary music players capable of ve... | |
Optical Isolation As sbank stated not stuck with Roon. One thing not often mentioned is running Roon with embedded HQPlayer. Not sure I'm totally understanding OP, but one needs server with OpticalRendu, OR is only dedicated streamer, also fiber media converter... | |
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC @melm , @bill_k correct, I think most everything there. The one issue with custom build like this is the bespoke nature of the total build including power supply. Vast majority of this not applicable to most if not all members here. To try to put ... | |
Time/Process of Hooking up New Equipment @toddsyr Giving components time to settle part of my reasoning for generally waiting until at least next day for first listening. Shipping and temperature certainly affect precision parts. | |
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC The SOTM is nice streamer at it's price, was surpassed in my setup by Sonore OpticalRendu, but then talking aprox twice the price. Both need nice linear power supply to perform optimally. Now using custom build streamer, sound quality incredib... | |
When someone tells you it's a $40,000 amp, does it sound better? Well, in many cases comparing apples to oranges. $40k may only be medium price in high wattage solid state high end amps. Watts cost money and the better those watts the greater the cost. Now I'm at other end of scale, prefer low wattage SET ... | |
Is there such a thing as a FOREVER DAC/streamer? Depends on how much longer one lives and how ambitious they are. I've experienced digital sound quality I thought I could live with for the long run, nothing I could complain about and superior to my pretty nice vinyl setup. But curiosity caught m... | |
Concident Frankenstein 300B Stereo Another recent post in regard to this amp,thought it typo when I saw price! Coincident products are good value and high performing, direct sales model works in our favor. Seems Israel has another winner with this amp, good for you! |