
Responses from sns

Has the ASR review/hatchet job on the Musetec MH-DA005 Changed Anyone's Mind?
I've owned 005 for a bit over three years now, still waiting to hear the sins of commission ASR measurements allude to. Based on their measurements I should be hearing a distorted tiring presentation, with small sound stage, 2D images, lacking in ... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@debjit_g I may try another motherboard at some point, one I'm using at present was chosen by original  streamer builder. He and the subsequent owner both compared to many off the shelf streamers, only the Taiko Extreme bested this custom build, b... 
When were the best tube amps made?
Now. So many choices at so many price  and quality levels.  
I can't believe this.
Theoretically, one could wait forever if not paying the extra and individuals kept jumping the line by paying the premium. Never heard of this with audio repair before, ridiculous.  
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@debjit_g  Very interesting! I've not felt the need to even try the USB cards as I'm so enthralled with using new streamer as server only, Sonore OpticalModule and OR doing rendering duties, thus far beats several permutations via motherboard usb ... 
VPI turntables
I am one of those former VPI users, never quite did it for me, move from 9" to 10.5i arm not big deal. My issue is belt drive not for me, so DD VPI would be more aligned with what I'd do, and move away from unipivot.  
Has anyone been able to define well or measure differences between vinyl and digital?
You're going to have a hard time deriving objective generalizations about these two formats in relation to each other, the whole thread is subjective based and will continue down that path. No single person can hear every single permutation of dig... 
Joseph Audio: Perspectives and Pearls
I've not had Joseph speakers in my setups, but the Pearls were part of a show demonstration he put on, one of best setups ever heard in over thirty years in audio.  
If there was only ONE album/cd/release you can listen to, over and over.............
I'd begin to hate the music I formerly loved, sounds like hell to me. I'd rather listen to sounds of nature out on that island.  
When is the golden age of high-end audio?
Wow, reviving an old thread here. I've gone to point to point wiring in linestage, both SET amps, and phono pre. So, sort of back to golden age here, but with superior parts available today. For parts like capacitors, resistors, wire, and many oth... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
I had Shunyata Anaconda and Python in my system for years, still use a Python VX on lps for NAS.   Critical thing in consideration of inputs on dac is quality of rendering in streamer. The quality Amanero usb board in 005 absolutely requires the... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
Sorry, that link doesn't work, lets try another,  
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@americanspirit Looks like contender, but what I'm really after is more diy solution. I want all components and parts to be top grade, audiophile grade, batteries alone over $500 for what I've been looking at. We have audiophile grade off the shel... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@sirnui I went through a period of auditioning power conditioners a few years ago, Shunyata, PSAudio, Audience, some others forgetting at this point. I settled on transformer based solution, self modified BPT 3.5 Signature.   Power amps should g... 
Cryogenic Tubes - Time for a Change
I've tried cryo'd tubes in the past, not so much for the cryo, rather for claims of hand picked. I've never had an issue, but can't say for sure I heard any difference in sound quality, don't worry about cryo vs no cryo.   While I don't run EL34...