
Responses from sns

Why are so many people spending so much money to build “perfect” streaming system?
Oh boy, more preaching from the biblical, oh forgot, measurement pulpit, you know, the place where all truths known, The heretics believe in things like ghosts and their senses, best not to trust your senses, you really aren't experiencing the thi... 
More Roon Questions
@jbuhl  You are correct no ability to download within Roon, just for streaming.  
New DAC or New Streamer?
  @lalitk  It does appear your local library is neatly organized. Perhaps my issue is  cd rips are on NAS, and Euphony OS/Stylus imports files from NAS differently than drives within streamer or usb drive, maybe a direct connection vs. going thro... 
Four Hour Tube Amp Warm-Up
My experience with warm up time has been so variable over thirty years, variability in comments not surprising to me. I've found system presentation or voicing, tube types and qualities, especially power tubes in amps, standby ability, number of t... 
Has anyone used the new Innuos 2.0 Sense music app? Compared it to Roon?
IME Roon dsp not very good. Best sound quality attained with all user accessible settings off, therefore, no volume leveling, analysis, anything and everything set to off. These processes are purely for convenience in Roon, if one is serious about... 
Is an autoformer (AVC) always superior to pots and resistors ?
I did understand the autoformers different than TVC in my Statement, which  by the way is dual TVC, one for each channel in fully balanced active pre. I just threw it in there since I thought we were discussing different volume controls in general... 
Best upgrade for SGC servers; LPS vs network switch
@mdrone  Not heard Farad PS, but based on reports from various forums these are first class LPS. If their ATX LPS had been available I may have chosen it over the JCAT Optimo ATX LPS I ended up purchasing.  
RIP Thom Bell
At times I think I prefer the Philly sound over Motown. Thom had much to do with those quality productions, something about the Philly sound is so uplifting and energizing, good memories!  
New DAC or New Streamer?
My long term thoughts are I'll keep Roon even if I find my proprietary music player to have superior sound quality at some point. Roon SQ good enough to be totally engaging and even more important, the great interface has turned me on to so much g... 
Confession: I only like Norah Jones because so many others told me to
I have to admit to an inherent bias to hyped artists, far too often I find mass selling artists less than compelling. Having said that I've been surprised by the quality of some of these artists when I did give them a chance.   Light jazz not my... 
After fifty years… amazing. What high end audio can be.
Congratulations on your system and enjoyment of it! I too passed a certain threshold a few years ago where engagement with the music far surpassed my analysis of sound quality. Sometimes I think to myself this level of sound quality is one of the ... 
Is an autoformer (AVC) always superior to pots and resistors ?
Its all about implementation, no way, no how my system softens transients! In fact transient performance, especially of the micro type are quite incredible. Coincident Statement has likely the most robust power supply I've ever seen in a pre, much... 
Best upgrade for SGC servers; LPS vs network switch
What electronic product isn't manufactured and/or doesn't use Asian manufactured parts these days.   I love to experiment and streaming gives me the greatest opportunity these days, AfterDark looks to be on cutting edge of that. Small Green comp... 
Streamer upgrade? follow up.
Totally ignorant statement, sounds like some hostility towards Asian products here. The individuals here using the better/best streamers are those with the most experience.   By the way, wonderful streaming and audio products come from all over ... 
Best upgrade for SGC servers; LPS vs network switch
@jerryg123  Not really, never owned or tried prior to this purchase. By the way Finisar is US company out of Sunnyvale California.