
Responses from sns

How Important is Getting Your Rack Out
Peter S,I'm sure when Jim Smith refers to longer cabling he's talking about replacing with the same previous shorter length cabling. In which case I do agree. Abruce mentioned going to 'long cheap' cable. I would keep the better cabling and low ce... 
I am sick of cables
"most expensive cables are not necessarily better." Which means that sometimes they may be! I do agree. 
How Important is Getting Your Rack Out
I keep my rack in center, multiple racks sitting low so as to not affect imaging, soundstaging. Still, it would be best to not have anything in between. You will lose a lot more with a long cheap interconnect! 
Blue Collar Cables? The great debate
I've tried a lot of cables over the years, Speltz are the best cost conscious cable I've heard. My problem with them is the lack of shielding, not as good as the higher price spread with shielding. I suspect the lack of shielding is why they sound... 
More convinced of analog than ever
I agree with Applebook, when you record your vinyl to digital you are getting digital sound. I happen to like digital sound, as well as vinyl, and so I can be happy listening to both. I would never think of giving up my vinyl, the reason I've kept... 
Drawer problem in Mark Levinson 39 cd processor
I've own both a ML No. 37 and Proceed CDD, both of these transports have had drawer issues from time to time. Right now the CDD doesn't open up completely. I've also heard of many others having issues with ML transports, seems like ML has some iff... 
Can good speakers take edge off digital?
Psacanli is absolutely correct. I wonder how many people not enjoying their digital have never tried quality power cords and power conditioning. To give up on digital before trying this route is silly. 
Install IEC male socket or not??
Yes, a punch would make things easier, however, you would need some kind of backing for a punch. Without backing and/or reinforcement behind the panel you're not going to punch out most of these panels. In most cases I think we're stuck using dril... 
Last 3rd of LP has High Feq. Distortion
Sounds like it could be prior mistracking of album, damage to the album. Does it do this on all lps? Otherwise, your setup is not correct. 
Wooden blinds vs cellular shades for acoustics
I have wood blinds behind my speakers, never experimented with partial opening, unbelievable! Will have to try this weekend. Closed, they are reflective, it will be interesting to note the amount of added diffusion when partially opened, something... 
The reviewer's role--comparative reviews?
Coincidence that you post this now. I've recently been going through my old Stereophiles (80's, early 90's), that mag was so much better then, everything was comparatively reviewed, tons of context. I may not renew, where I could read the old mag ... 
Sibilance in recordings: your experience the same?
Almost forgot, the sibilance could also be partially due to lack of burn in, settling time on new AC lines, I've found a lack of refinement in newly installed lines. I could also be in the recording, you'll have to play a lot more cds in order to ... 
How to hook up 2 amps from one set of pre outs?
I always assumed the signal impedence would be altered tying in a second component to a single set of outputs (signal devided in half). I also assume you could add another main out and tie that into circuit (rather than simply pig tailing 2nd out)... 
Sibilance in recordings: your experience the same?
You're likely simply hearing more resolution from your system, only uncovering something that was already there. You need to look at your system as to cause. 
High density fiberglass as bass absorber?
I would be leery of anything in a bag, bags may be very reflective confusing soundstaging, perhaps affecting tonality. The reason I take the reflective foil off the semi rigid fiberglass. I too have read of people using the bags of insulation, har...