
Responses from sns

You know you're an audiophile if--
Greatest thread ever on the gon. Now we just need a comedian to deliver the lines at an audiophile comedy club. ...when you turn off your refrigerator, furnace (winter), AC (summer) during listening sessions. My listening room doubles as a sauna i... 
VPI Scout- motor pops in speakers when turned off
I agree this problem should have been rectified long ago, makes VPI look rather amateurish. I also think they should rectify the belt screeching problem. I also have an issue with their 10.5i arm upgrade to the Scoutmaster tt. I recieved mine with... 
best resistors
Thanks guys, seems the mills are the consensus choice thus far. Jafox, I've thought about fitting the premium film resistors, but they will be impossible to fit as they are all radial leads, simply won't fit the point to point wiring scheme in the... 
You know you're an audiophile if--
Mitch has it right, what the hell am I doing here on a Friday night.You have to upgrade every last part in your equipment, stock is no good. And then that isn't even enough, you have to upgrade the upgraded part. 
You know you're an audiophile if--
My present house cost less than my main system. And then there is the bedroom system, and closets full of gear, wires, parts, etc. And then, oh yeah, add my two cars to the cost of the house, main system still rules. I guess I could go on and on..... 
Ikemi owners?
I used to have a Mimik, had the same problem with cdr's, reason I sold it, don't know if they use the same drive. 
More convinced of analog than ever
Wow, it seems we have a digital crowd here, and to think I was alone! I guess I don't understand the need to choose one over the other, just enjoy your damn music already! 
what is the best Holly Cole CD?
I prefer Dark Dear Heart over the others, great album! Sonics are fine as well. 
Power supply upgrades
Thanks guys, think I'll go with film bypass caps on ps caps. Rodman, thanks for the specific replacements for the bridge rectifiers, something I've been searching for! 
Power supply upgrades
I've been doing a bit of investigating on the new Takman 'ultra premium' resistors. Sound very promising considering the few who have tried them. These would go in the signal path. Anyone have experience with these? 
Power supply upgrades
Rodman, my problem in replacing caps with Black Gates is firstly their size, the size of the circuit board is seriously limited. My old Cary monoblocks were all point to point wiring, much easier to swap out ps caps. Secondly, Black Gates are most... 
Power supply upgrades
Thanks Al, the film bypass caps have been my first inclination from the start. What value bypass caps should those electrolytics be bypassed with? I've heard various percentages discussed in various forums, or is simply bypassing with .1uf caps go... 
Power supply upgrades
Elizabeth, have you heard equipment with power supply upgrades? I only ask because I have heard of folks who did power supply upgrades and claim to have heard positive changes. I suspect this to be truthful as some manufacturers and modders offer ... 
Tone Arm Mass
Sorry, that was supposed to be a link. Go to 
Tone Arm Mass
Go to []. They have all the specs for proper setup.