
Responses from sns

VPI Scout- motor pops in speakers when turned off
I have the same thing going on in my Scoutmaster, recall reading about a resistor value change in motor, can't recall the value. I haven't worried much about it as the pop is so low in volume. I also have screech at startup, belt slipping on pulle... 
PS Audio DL 3 or MF Tri Vista 21 DAC?
Brian, perhaps we have a misunderstanding of clocks. When I speak of reclocking, I mean the quartz oscillators that all DACS have. Yes, there are other DACS that have jitter attenuators that go by other names, but essentially they all do the same ... 
Cayin A70T has bogus tube rectification?
I've been doing a bit of research into the marketing of this Cayin model. While I have yet to see any marketing that states tube rectification specifically, some spec. sheets at dealers specifically mention the 5A5R as a tube rectifier. Also, the ... 
PS Audio DL 3 or MF Tri Vista 21 DAC?
Brian claims transports may not make much difference as long as the DAC reclocks the signal. I don't agree, all DACs reclock the signal, some do a better job than others, the two DACs your looking at don't reclock as thoroughly as Esoterics for on... 
Tube-friendly speakers
I agree that Merlins are very tube friendly, using them with 845 triode amp, sounds better than various push pulls I've tried. Still, I maintain the Alons/Nolas soundstage very similarly to planars, if this is important to you Alons/Nolas could be... 
Cayin A70T has bogus tube rectification?
If your theories are correct the Cayin is being misrepresented. On the other hand, if you like the sound what's the problem, I have a Cayin phono stage, good for the money. My Art Audio amp has SS rectification and I love the sound. Don't necessar... 
Got Ginko Cloud 9 No Help
I've found a similar sound when trying the Ginko with my Scoutmaster. I heard a diminishment in low level detail, backgrounds weren't as black as with other isolation solutions. I theorize the Ginko acts as a suspension for a mass loaded tt thereb... 
Tube-friendly speakers
I too like the planar sound, don't believe 60wpc is enough for any larger planars. Alon/Nola are dynamic speakers that throw a similar soundstage while being relatively efficient. I formerly ran various Alons through Cary SLM 100 monoblocks, very ... 
To get the most from a dac what is required input?
Jitter output is one variable in transports that can make a sonic difference. As to how much jitter the Krell puts out, who knows. Another transport, dedicated or not, could be better or worse. Another variable is what digital out/in your transpor... 
Opposite effect with cardas/Ayre CD
I have the PAD disc. I've found playing the demag portion to have a similar effect to cleaning cable terminations with Caig treatments, treble is brighter, crisper, this settles down after a day or two when things begin to sound better than previo... 
PS Audio DL 3 or MF Tri Vista 21 DAC?
At the price level you're looking at I would reassess your choice of a seperate DAC. I've tried tons of digital cables, they can make a big difference, a good one is costly. Secondly, transports make a big difference, you will not be hearing the p... 
Install IEC male socket or not??
Bdgregory states it correctly. I have done IEC's in a number of components, very worthwhile from a sonic standpoint. 
Using XLR to Rca adapter
It may depend on whether your preamp sounds better going through balanced or unbalanced, if the preamp is fully balanced it may sound better through balanced input. I've not noticed any deterioration of signal going through Cardas XLR to RCA adapt... 
Vinyl sounds a bit thin and slightly strident.
I complained about a lack of dynamics with my Scoutmaster/Dynavector setup some time ago. I've done numerous isolation mods, setup with MintLp (get this vs. the Wally), this has helped, but still not as involving as my digital setup. Im my case I'... 
Riggle VTAF question
I've had the exact same problem as you with a modded Rega arm I installed on a Thorens TD160. I think shims are a bad idea, compromise a tight headshell, cartridge interface. In my case I had to cut down the height of my armboard in order to get t...