
Responses from snofun3

W. Hartford, CT...any good audio shops?
If you're coming in from the south go to Take5 in New Haven. First class people, equipment and recommendations. 
If it's snowing, I'm going
Goinbroke - 5pm announcement - Kilington's opening tomorrow! 
simple HDTV question.
DVI also supports prog scan, and without the d-A, then A-d conversion of lesser connections you'll be way ahead.Go DVI at the box to HDMI at the TV. You can get cables that have DVI-HDMI connetions, or DVI-HDMI adapters. The only thing you'll miss... 
Good power cord for Rotel?
Use the power cord it came with. Put the $ into I/C's or speaker cable. 
Which way to go? Meridian 568.2 or Lexicon Mc-1 v4
Porsche - Your experience is (much) different than mine. The Lexicon that I heard was dog-butt awful on music. The new ones are better, but that's only because of the general concensus regarding the old ones.Samuel - I Agree with Porsche about the... 
If it's snowing, I'm going
Sounds like there's some things going on!I have a client with a house in Jackson - "Boys Week" is mid-Feb.I go to Whistler a lot due to having many customers in Vancouver -hope you can see something.Blue Sky Basin, the bowls, Gandy Dancer - Vail.T... 
Which way to go? Meridian 568.2 or Lexicon Mc-1 v4
You don't need a "top-of-the line" pre-pro for a significant difference over the Yammie.I think I've heard them all. Meridian - nice, Theta - very nice, Krell - OK, Proceed - discontinued product line, Lexicon-yuck.You should also consider Classe,... 
simple HDTV question.
Component cabling does not support HD as well as DVI or HDMI.Using component, you convert from digital to analog at the box, then analog to digital in the TV. DVI or HDMI keep it digital.Using HDMI or DVI also allows the aspect ratio to change aut... 
If it's snowing, I'm going
Pali - Did you say Pali? OK, I finally did Pali two years ago. While it may be blashemy (I love Vail), I look forward to some Pali action again this season. 
Meditative Music for Quiet Concentration
See if you can find some Doyle Dykes, acoustic guitar. Craig Chaquiso's guitar also works well for me. 
Does my 7 channel need some back up?
Unless the wire is really pathetic, I suggest you have better plabes to start. First, in relation to the wire, ensure that the ends are clean and oxidation free - it never hurts to look - cheap tweek.If you like your speakers that's great. Suggest... 
What would you do?
Thanks John - I agree that was the intent of the new system, but does it do anyone any good? What's the point of feedback now? I'm everyone's Mom said that "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it", but when we're looking at investmen... 
Best SS Amp with tight clean bass
The Bryston 4Bst is renowned for its iron fisted grip on bass. 
What would you do?
Can anyone explain the concept of the new AGon feedback system.They asked about it before they instituted it, we said it was lousy, and it has subsequently proven to be as predicted.So.... what was the reason for the change, and does nyone have a ... 
Does my 7 channel need some back up?
What exactly are you trying to accomplish? You have a 7 channel amp. Are you unhappy with it? Do you need more power? Does it not sound right?It's hard to suggest if we don't know what you're displeased with.As it appears it primarily HT, my first...