
Responses from snofun3

$1,000 to spend on room treatment.... Send a layout of your room and any particulars and Auralex will recommend a solution. It has been highly effective in my case. They have a diverse number of solutions - highly recommended.You can also buy Auralex panels for $20 / ... 
How can I start to change the system?
Do the room first if you haven't already. What you'd spend many thousands on in components can probably be done for hundreds if you haven't done room treatments yet.You can mak the system anyway you want with reflective / absorbtive panels and bas... 
What is the lifespan of a good SS Amp
Well, if Bryston guarantees the many thousands of amps they have out in the world for 20 years, then you can probably use that number as a good baseline. 
New home - shoulda woulda coulda's
Uncertainsmile makes a good point. a couple of other issues along the same line - 1) Don't pay too far in advnace - I had an electrican disappear after getting a $1000 check.2) Completely define the work you're getting done, and have it agreed bef... 
New home - shoulda woulda coulda's
Make sure you have dedicated circuits (and grounds) and LOTS of outlets all over the place (even in the ceiling - lighting and ??)There's a number of threads regarding dedicated circuits here. A little research and you'll find a lot of info. 
New home - shoulda woulda coulda's
Go to Auralex University at for lots of good ideas. 
NAD C350 Guitar Amp
OK, this'll be my third and last time to try to get through the moderators" - Having a bad day are we?Ekizucla - I have an integrated that I use which is handy as I can switch things in and out such as an EQ, minidisc recorder, footpedals that wou... 
What time do you wear?
Thorton – The misquotation thing is starting to render this thread a bit juvenile, but OK, I’ll bite one final time.I didn’t say ACCURACY was the ONLY thing that makes up value – check again - one last time –“I said my opinion was that PERFO... 
What time do you wear?
Brian – Maybe I’d take your admonition more seriously if you didn’t appear so officious yourself in your addressing and correcting “us” in your posts – along with your freedom to use presumption and assumption when convenient in addressing m... 
What time do you wear?
Thorton, Happy to put the Aero against a Rolex Quartz, as Breitling doubles the Chronometer requirement for each of its drives, whereas Rolex is happy to meet it.If value is your criteria, may I suggest you look into a Citizen Ecodrive, or a drugs... 
what is the REAL deal with DK
I still haven't trashed the product, notwithstanding your histronics. In fact, from what I see, I've said here and elsewhere that it's a good value new, and a superb one used. My reservations regard an ill conceived and absurd shilling campaign, o... 
what is the REAL deal with DK
Michael - I don't know anyone who said or implied that dk was above....You must have missed these from one long time dk promoter - "It is simply the best integrated amplifier on the market period.I think the VAC is the only contender that will sou... 
What time do you wear?
As I mentioned, "exquisite design, fine materials, outstanding features AND virtually unmatched performance" was my purchase criteria. Your criteria is different - no problem. 
What time do you wear?
Misunderstanding? I believe the point people are bringing up is that when you spend a substantial amount of money, you reasonably expect prestige AND higher performance (accuracy)- much like audio components. Who will admit to buying a component s... 
What time do you wear?
I got my Breitling Aerospace (two tone with blue dial face) about a month ago, and still smile every time I look at it.Accurate to 7 seconds a year, with a function that makes the hour hand go back/forward one hour at a time, so you don't muck up ...