
Responses from snofun3

Joan Baez - Do I just not get it?
When did relative age have anything to do with anything. My 12 year-old loves Frank Zappa, so that means what? He isn't supposed to have an opinion because he's a couple of generations removed? Huh? I was exposed to Joan Baez well before I was 10 ... 
Joan Baez - Do I just not get it?
Goatwuss - nothing wrong with your hearing, she's dreadful.Her star rose during the period of self-flagellation in the 60's when an insipid PC tactic to be non-judgemental no matter how offensive the material, project or performance started.Joan B... 
I thought you needed help on connections / setup. For equipment selection go to dealers and see / hear what you like. 
what' your favorite movie to show off your sys. w/
I saw the Cream concert on PSB the other night - it's 16:9. Resolution is fine.Oh, and Steely Dan, "Two Against Nature" I always use as a demo piece just 'cause it's so good. No need for any sappy Eagles stuff, although their production is excelle... 
a great take on big$ cables
For the record - I believe there is a significant difference in the way cables sound. It's the concept that someone can wax eloquent about a cable or a cord, then go all apoplectic about the why / how they couldn't be expected to identify this gra... 
Floorstanders: 1k used-Psb,Audes,etc....
To confirm mlauner's comments - PSB Gold i with Bryston 4Bst. You'll be in rock nirvana. 
a great take on big$ cables
Okay Mike, Thanks for the predictable response (see Whoaru99's post). Seems like you're bored - plenty of other threads to go to for such insightful comments. 
a great take on big$ cables
Serus, I don't understand - not (just) trying to be argumentative.The article points out how they had a box where they could go back-and-forth on cables to determine whether the differences were indeed perceptable. Much like when you go to a stere... 
Floorstanders: 1k used-Psb,Audes,etc....
PSB Gold i's are excellent. somebody put a pair up for $800 today. Nice deal. 
a great take on big$ cables
OK Boa, I'll do it slow - Serus - Long litany on why DBT is worthless, particularly when you can only remember sound criteria for about 5-10 seconds. If a $99 boombox is allegedly going to sound as good as a he-man rig as he assets, then cables / ... 
a great take on big$ cables
According to serus, "Our sound memory is pathetically short, like 5-10 seconds", while Evita says "my wife claims to hear significant differences between cables and cords".Thanks for proving my point guys. 
Which Power Amplifier to buy: Sunfire or Parasound
THX "feature" means nothing. 
Contact me - it can probably be resolved over the phone - no charge, honest. If not, I'm in western CT (Ffld). 
Best of Both Worlds,
Steuspeed - I assume he's looking for the whole (5 or 5.1) magilla for $2k. The Gallo's are $2k for the pair (and worth every cent). 
Best of Both Worlds,
Agree with above, but also look at Paradigm and Pinnacle.