
Responses from snapsc

Dealer Discount
To make the decision to discount by the store a little more real.....Assume a store has sales of $750k per year... or $300k net to the store assuming a 40% gross margin overall.  From the $300k comes store rent, wages, advertising, returns, financ... 
General question about tube preamps and gain
@gochurchgo It seems like you are asking if a home audio preamp, might behave somewhat  like some guitar amps...where you can turn up the gain to increase distortion...some call it crunch??  I'm sure that there are people on this site @at... 
I am Looking for That Elusive 3 Dimensional Room Filling Soundstage
I have to admit that I also chased that "all enveloping" sound for many years.  Then, one day, I realized that I already had it in my car and that no matter how good the car's sound system was, the experience never matched my home system or live m... 
Time to buy a class D amp?
I more of a believer that we "prefer" amplifier A vs amplifier B because of the way it makes our systems our rooms...with our other equipment...and our selected music.  In this respect, there appears to be plenty of people buyin... 
Need Device to Keep electronics off when power comes back
If you read through the q&a s to this will see that the manufacturer as well as several users say that it requires a manual reset after a power outage...and since everything from amazon is easily is probably worth... 
Parasound Halo a23
I’ve played the A23 through multiple speakers and always found it to have solid, fairly well defined bass... not too punchy. As for temperature... mine measured about 102 degrees when pushed hard... but generally around 95 degrees. One final thoug... 
Parasound Halo a23
Big soundstage...smooth top end... powerful low end... switches on and off without a thump.... and the gain controls allow you to perfectly match any preamp to high efficiency speakers so you aren’t blasting away at the 8 am position.  
I am Looking for That Elusive 3 Dimensional Room Filling Soundstage
+1 for the Walsh. Also, adding a subwoofer almost always improves the ambience and expands the soundstage.  
I am Looking for That Elusive 3 Dimensional Room Filling Soundstage
@kenjit I thought the same thing... nope, wired in phase... but tons of ambience probably caused by all the reflections off the hard walls, ceilings and floors.... so pinpoint imaging isn’t the greatest but soundstage is pretty impressive.  
I am Looking for That Elusive 3 Dimensional Room Filling Soundstage
I've got a buddy who has 25 year old M&K bookshelf speakers which he runs full range; he also uses an M&K 12" sub to augment the bottom.  His electronics are 25 year old Adcom fed by an Oppo 103 player in a 12x14 room with drywall and hard... 
Open Baffle vs Box
audiosaurusrex I think there is one more aspect of the new Spatial M3 that you will only know for sure by trying them at home....that is the saphire (ceramic) mid/tweet driver. (from the Spatial Audio page on Audio Circle..." new wideband, large... 
Need Salk/Legacy speaker help/opinions
These are two great speakers from two great designers with beautifully finished cabinets....I'm thinking you might consider the following questions on your journey....1.  What are your current Legacy models lacking...or what is it you are trying t... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
The one thing you learn over time is that all loudspeakers have pluses, minuses and trade offs.  It seems that John has designed a speaker that meets what his ear tells him sounds "right"....and it would seem that tens of thousands of people agree... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Given the Ohm website price of $1400 for parts...not including refinishing the cabinets...and then probably $500 of packing and shipping to and from seems overall that a new pair of 2000s might be equally maybe it comes down t... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Thanks how do you guys feel about putting a pair of the 2000s in a really big room with a 15" sealed sub to fill in the bottom end....vs buying a pair of 4000s, 5000s, or the sound cylinder....assume listening at 80db with 85db peaks 15...