
Responses from slappy

Should there only be one company making gear?
Hey Marco!Ill bring the beer and brats!This is gonna be great!NRCHY, Remember, it is not fair to bring the Sons of Silence! They gotta hang back! Hells Angels too!David99, Same goes for you, you have to leave the contaminated hypodermics from junk... 
Should there only be one company making gear?
Hey, if you guys wanna play with yer distorted-assed-tubes go right on ahead. No! Really! Im sure with a THD of 10% that yer getting the best experience possible! Gimme a break! Hell, Look at that WAVAC $350,000 piece of junk! Tubes are the BOSE o... 
Power Cords Snake Oil ??
You guys just couldnt lead a sleeping dog lie could you?Another can of worms is getting peeled open. :) 
Why dual subwoofers ?
You get better responce across the listening enviornment. so it is easier to position them. Also, subs are supposed to be "Non directional" well, this aint always so, if you park one near each speaker stereo sounds a bit at the office ... 
Should there only be one company making gear?
KPSo yer saying all those tube guys who jumped me a while back in the forums cause i said i preffer solid state, are actually just afraid of it? I will never understant the sheer anger some people exibit to people who do not agree with thier prefe... 
Should there only be one company making gear?
Seandtaylor....So... Yer left speaker might be a vandersteen while yer right speaker might be a proac?hahahahaI think Nrchy put up a great post and i think alot of people should take the time to think about what he is saying. 
Should there only be one company making gear?
I think this is a hell of a thread Nrchy. It is too easy to let somone get you down on something. Alot of the time people seem o think they know what is right and wrong, and do not realize it is only thier opinion, not a fact. I used to have a sur... 
Want to build my own equipment.
Dont let these people get you down. You can build gear for a fraction of the price if you have even basic knowledge and some good books on the subject. You might not be able to build the best without the right test gear, but you can make Amps that... 
Want to build my own equipment.
Check the net, Check the net, and once again check the net.If you want to build amps, check out barns and nobel's online service. I got some very good amplifier construction manuals from there, cant remember the name off the top of my dome tho. Ju... 
Should there only be one company making gear?
Sure think Nrchy! Screw Free Trade!Lets just roll out the Red Carpet and welcome the commies! -laugh-It would make things alot simpler, but god, this website would be boring as hell. Imagine CES, it would be going on constantly throughout every br... 
Funniest sales pitch
how about "I got 8 of these rowland amps for Xmas, only need one"Got i want his relatives.I'd like to see something honest."Got caught in the hype, bought this stupid piece of shit, and now i realize what a goddamn idiot i am, please please please... 
Room Treatments, When are they required?
Hmmm...I always had the idea a dedicated room was a room where everything was designed 100% around the gear... never really thought of a living room as a dedicated listening room... guess there is no reason it couldnt be. Well, i herby declare tha... 
Room Treatments, When are they required?
That was a hell of a deflection. I think my ears must be more forgiving. For me, having a dedicated listening room just wont cut it. Ill never use it. Some day when i get a good rig going again, i will probaably have Rives help me out and do what ... 
Funniest sales pitch
"Wife says this amp or she goes, nobody would take her" 
Room Treatments, When are they required?
Nrchy, define a "Good System"If you take an audiophile system and put it in a normal room without tweaks, would you say it sounds BAD?I fully believe a good system will sound like a good system Excellent system may only sound like an e...