
Responses from slappy

In wall speakers?
Triad has some pretty beefy in-wall speakers.The problem with In-walls is there is no space behind the speaker for the sound to hit the rear wall and reflect forward. I think they can be pretty good for HT, but not a whole lot else. i guess if you... 
Audiogon Music News June
Ben, Fantastic to see you on here again!Welcome back!Good review! 
Any vets among the Audiophiles here?
Yup. Total 8 years, 4 active and 4 in reserves in the USAF.Long history of military in my family. My father retired from USAF as a Lt Col, my mother was a Captain in the USAF, several of my uncles were in the Navy, My grandfather on my mothers sid... 
Is this rude?
No, it is not rude.GO for it!High End audio dealers love showing off thier gear!!!!Here is what you should do.Get ahold of a car that just SCREAMS "IM FILTHY RICH"Come haul'in ass into thier parking lot, slam the e-brake and spin the wheel, make s... 
Where does the designation of "Audiophile" fit...
Hey MarcoTell us how you REALLY feel. Dont keep your feelings bottled up!HAHAHAHA 
Where does the designation of "Audiophile" fit...
Audiophiledom is pretty damn far down on my list of priorities. More than anything else, im a gear head, and i like having nice things. All you gotta do is check out my system.It has been in sorry shape for almost 9-10 months.I have other responci... 
Home Theater Volume ?
If you have a "Night Mode" or "Dynamic Range Compression" you could try turning these to ON.These sudden bursts of volume are normal for Movie Tracks, they will have the dialogue at a normal level, but when stuff blows up, it is enough to send yer... 
Need suggestion instead of a Beosound 3200
B&O seems to be more of a fasion statement than a real audiophile product.I unserstand they are making some pretty decent stuff recently, but it seems that for a long time they were all about cosmetics and "gee wizz" factor over actual sound. ... 
Maggie's and cats
Maggie's and cats
Get rid of the cats :)Buy a dog. :) 
Ageing Krell KSA150 - repair or replace
Changing to less expensive gear.
Nrchy, I used to have a set of Wilson WattPuppy5s. I was driving them with a Mark Levinson front end, with top-end AQ cables throughoutI since replaced these with Radioshack speakers and a cheap kenwood HTIB with 22ga 3$/100ft cables with a few c... 
Are you delighted at your present system?
No, im not delighted.In fact, im still quite unhappy. I tossed down a grand to replace my front end recently, massive improvement, but untill i ditch those radioshackers and get something better, i will just be marginally "tolerant" but certainly ... 
Parasound Vs Adcom
THanks for all the repsonses everyone!Sbank, How are those magnepans? I read a review on them, it was a good review but it stated the top end of the spectrum was gone. They would be pretty sweet though.Sometime next year i plan on getting a plasma... 
Suggestions on a good Stereo HT from $1000-$1500
Looks like that Mirage Omni-sat system has already been sold.Another nice mix is KEF Q1 bookshelves with any Denon reciever. Q1's run for what, 225 each? might get a little higher than his budget, but it is a killer combo