
Responses from slappy

Is it that time of the month?
For me it is the fact i lost my old system and now im dealing with a crapper. 4k of reciever, amp, cd, and dvd-a gearabout 50 bucks worth of speakers.nuff said. :) 
Digital Vs. Toslink, your opinion?
Hopefully soon.Im trying to finish off my HT rig right now, will do the 2 channel later. Ive been jonsin to watch "Matrix revolutions" and "return of the king" on a decent setup. Right now what i have doesent cut it.Im looking at using MMG-W's for... 
Digital Vs. Toslink, your opinion?
Dont worry audiobugged, i am in no way seduced by the power of best buy's vast technical expertise. ;)However, when yer on the pot, sometimes things go better while yer readin. hehehe 
How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?
RxI'm sure she has the same feeling as she looks into yer decayed grill and pulls a rusty nail out of yer yellowish-brown bleeding molar. Just kiddin bud! 
How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?
RX8man, I feel ya buddy. i had a root canal and a deep-cleaning on tuesday, they had to numb my whole face.the worst part is the dental assistants are always hotties. Cant help but feel like a chump when they ask you when to schedule yer next appo... 
How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?
i agree with Gunbei, eery time i see a good thread to post on, Ellery 911 has already been there. 
How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?
Yeah it is. In fact, im the guest of honor! I got the biggest oysters in colorado! ;) 
Rotel RSX-1056 or Denon 3805
I gotta chime in for the 3805 here. I got one of these and i love it. The remote looks cool but really sorta sucks. Other than that, it is built like a tank, powerful, and sounds fantastic. As far as price vs performance with receivers you just ca... 
How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?
Allright BigKidz, ill set out the army cots and a cold 12pack of bud. make sure at least one of you brings a pair of speakers worth half a shit, cause im sick of these radioshackers. 
Why does my reciever get hot?
Nope. Never got it the Mic. Maybe i will pick one up friday. Man, i need some new speakers bad.The denon is in an open rack, so im not worried about ventillation. Looks like the thing will always be a bit warm. not a big deal. Just struck me as odd. 
How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?
bump those october days by a week or so and come to denver for the Rocky mountain Audio Fest 
How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?
The fastest replys are the ones who spend too much time. Gunbei has me beat by probably 15 min.hehehehtoo much time there guy. I have upgrade-fever so bad it hurts, i find audiogon theraputic. Once i get some more revamps and get back into the gam... 
Correlation: Money and Good Sound
I agree with NRCHY, yer not a true audiophile unless you go bankrupt building a system you dont quite enjoy.  
How much does your system retail for?
Heh. Yeah!!!!!well, i aim to work on the HT part first. THen the 2ch. already got random parts for both, just need to replace speakers and stuff, get a multich amp, probably some electrostats for the 2ch as well. but at least i have a clear plan f... 
HT speakers, sub, receiver/separates for $3500?
Heh. Engaged yes, bought a house yes, then the girly left. Did'nt sell the system for the house tho, had to sell the rig cause i had a roomate who never came up with his rent a while back and at the end of the lease i had already paid my part of t...