
Responses from slappy

Bipolar speakers like Definitive Tech speakers produce a fantastic soundstage, even when located within a foot of a rear wall, however, imaging seems to suffer, instead of that dead-on imaging you get more of a general imaging. I would definatly s... 
I just hafta share this moment...
Newbee.... i tried and i tried. I have nothing witty to say about that. ;) 
Wood Cones, JVC EX-A1 $550
hahahahahawell, wood supposedly has real good accoustical propertys. Figure it would sound good.Jond, i must admit, that is the first article i ever read in playboy. ;) 
Ohm question
uhm....that is not the quetion i asked Elgordo, i was curious about wattage and current, and any adverse audible affects on the not even talking about mixing speakers, im talking about identical speakers, and it looks like my math alre... 
Helping an amp cope
That would be a hell of a mod. Probably have to replace the caps and the power supply.Not sure what you mean about it running into crisis. I know that you can think of an amp hittin a 8 ohm load like a person blowing through a regular straw, easy ... 
I just hafta share this moment...
Good for you buddy! Just got done with a night of drinking and am revisiting some old favorites myself! :) 
I'm buying a plasma TV. Can I use my speakers?
Come on guy! That is LAZY! Serious! you make a rug look hyper! -just kiddin buddy :) 
Memories........What made you catch the Audio Bug?
Theduke, great story! :) 
Ohm question
Great answer Ozfly!It might be an interesting experiment some time, but doesent seem like something worth doing unless the speakers are meant to be stackedi'll still probably give it a shot sometime. :) 
Ohm question
HehWell, i wouldnt have to worry about crossovers at least.I was curious if this could be done with those new Magnepan on-wall ESL speakers. at 4 ohms each, they have no crossovers, no "drivers" per se, and have equal ratings. a good 8ohm 7 foot c... 
blue collar workers
I have no idea what kind of a collar i have.Actually, im not even wearing a collar. Normally i go to work in Blue Jeans and a T-shirt. I work as a telecommunications tech for one of the few surviving smaller telco's that has not been bought by SBC... 
I'm buying a plasma TV. Can I use my speakers?
Why not run it though yer pre?Connecting the speakers directly to the plasma will definaly yield crappy resultsI guess you could always get a speaker selector and just use it backwards. Connect the speakers to the input on the selector and connect... 
Wood Cones, JVC EX-A1 $550
I second Ellery's suggesion. Some rich guy oughtta buy it and give us his opinion of it. :) 
Memories........What made you catch the Audio Bug?
Wow! You remember that Gunbei?Man, i thought nobody noticed that little incident. It was actually a pretty embarassing situation, lets just pretend that it happened as you said! Stereo gear really diddnt matter a whole lot to me in the military. I... 
Review: Bose 201 Series V
My roomate set of these. He really seems to like em. he pushes em with a mid-level yamaha reciever.. He is no audiophile, but he likes decent sound.I was somewhat shocked when he got them set up and turned his system on. The low end extention is d...