
Responses from slappy

Another Subwoofer Question
Aron, basically i would be trying to use the subs with both systems. I would use thge high level inputs from the AMP to the SUB, and then OUT of the sub to the speakers. I would use the LFE for the Reciever, which would not be associated in any wa... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
This is the 1227th post to this thread.holy crap.TO get up to speed on this conversation, i advised sitting and reading the thread in 275 post blocks. In a week or so, you should get to the end. 
decent beginner amplifier rec's
How much you looking to spend, and what kind of monitors are you going to be running? Also, what type of music?You might want to look at some Parasound or Adcom amps if yer on a budget, they give a good bang for the buck 
Room Treatments, When are they required?
Oz, Welp, im kinda stuck with the livingroom. None of the rooms in the house are really a good size for it except for the livingroom. Also, i agree with you 100%, I too like to be able to hear it wherever i go. I like the idea of a dedicated liste... 
What sub do "U" use ?
Geez Elizabeth! How many ghetto blastin' fools have you taken out? HahahahaThats one of the reasons i bought a house. Dont have to walk on eggshells all day long cause some crazy lady next door is fixin to pop a few rounds in my chest cause i cran... 
Help What is this Mystery Old Tube Amp
Could be DIY amp. 
So, again, a question concerning amps.
Aroc brings up a good point, look at my system. it is STILL Crap. And just look at me! EVERYONE respccts, admires, and seeks out my wisdom. And EVERYONE pays attention to me.Ok ok, that might be BS, but hey, i gotta feel loved ok? I second the rec... 
Whatever happened to REAL "owners manuals" ???
I'm probably showing my age here (or lack there-of) but i dont think i had ever seen a manual like that. Seems like all they ever put in manuals are some shoddy half assed instructions and saftey disclaimers. 
Why would anyone want to listen to a harpsichord?
Yeah.Harpsichords suck 
Carpet Spikes, WHY?
No, not less.It will tighten your bass up however. It wil also bleed into other rooms a little bit less. 
Here's To Dear Old Dad
Never talked with my father about thhis hobby, im sure he would consider it a waste of time. All the love in the world for my pop though. An excellent man, and i hope i can be even half the man he was. 
Vandies or Maggies?
barb wire around the maggies to keep the kid away ;) 
SACD - Dying already?
I think that SACD and DVD-A will be a very small niche market. Mainstream public thinks we are all a bunch of crackheads for spending what we do on gear, and they are perfectly happy with Redbook.Hell, they are happy with MP3.For the masses, conve... 
Is this rude?
Thats a great way of looking at it bob 
Is this rude?
BIG JOE, I AGREE 100%You nailed it dead on the head buddyThey are Salesman, they are not jesus incarnate, they are not the next dali-llamma, they are salesman plain and simple. If they cannot hang with the market they better brush off thier should...