
Responses from sirspeedy

Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
Z(love that name-tag,btw),definitely agree about the willingness to listen "thing"!! Many potential "new" hobbyists have no clue as to just how "supremely special" a superb high res system can be. I had a few of my son's med school friend's hear m... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
When I requested that you,Halcro, possibly "post" a product review,of the Copperhead on Audiogon,I was being quite serious,and with no hidden agenda.It seems like a "way cool",and inventive design,and the web-site hasn't got much!From a selfish st... 
Does anyone use stabilzer when using vaccume hold
I have a SOTA COSMOS,with vacuum hold down.I definitely prefer the clamp,used as a weight(with minor modification to bottom part).Yes,it does seem to eliminate some minor,but audible effects of vinyl replay,and allows the music to sound more relax... 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
Z,guess I'm getting a bit too uptight-:) Trust me,I am fanatical about "fine" equipment,and probably love the stuff too much("wife not happy"-:).I could have put both kids through college for what I've spend on the hardware alone!Don't get me star... 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
Zieman,I don't disagree with you at all!!I love SOTA stuff....AND,I hear the difference,like you claim you do!!Surprisingly(maybe to some,like you)I believe that what I have put together in my own dedicated two channel room is close enough to not ... 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
I don't want to give the "suspicious" poster the impression that I am downplaying the "top" stuff of today.Also,I basically can't state that the superb retro set-ups I've heard are comparable,in all "meaningful" areas to such componentry. What I a... 
Graham Phantom damping fluid level.
Frank,you are right about the magnaglide stabilizing azimuth,but it does add a degree of damping. BTW,you are in for a treat!! 
Graham Phantom damping fluid level.
Bob Graham DID mantion to me,that the magnaglide feature adds a degree of damping.It would not have much to do with azimuth,as Frank points out.It aids in damping the pivot.A darn good pivot,at that!!! Best 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
BTW,one doesn't have to own the absolute "latest/best measuring/highest tech level" stuff to get "fabulous" sound! I've heard many(domestic settings)systems that had somewhat retro equipment which just "HAD IT",in a very musical way!!The owner/hob... 
Graham Phantom damping fluid level.
The Magnetic damping is one reason for less fluid needed,than the 2.2.Yes,get it set right,and you can forget about it!!Unless you like to constantly adjust for each LP,which some folks do,and some don't. I won't,I hope-:) 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
I CAN agree with Halcro,in that IMO the last few years has brought a "major" improvement in vinyl reproduction!!! One just has to look at the better(quite a few)cartridges,and with a good table(there are many),and tonearm(quite a few "decent" choi... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Hey,Halcro...I am sorry for the seeming tone of my last post.I was being hurried off the computer by my daughter,and accidentally hit the "CAPS" key.This surely looked like I actually was getting excited!Whether one believes me or not,I really don... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Halcro,you do exhibit some(healthy) sarcasm in your response to me.Fine! I,like you have heard ALL arms mentioned(by me) in domestic situations! OK,so the guy who is the CEO of Continuum,and is the Australian agent for Triplanar likes "his" design... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
BTW,forgot to mention another point(just some opinionated thoughts.....hopefully taken,"as meant", in good spirits)regarding the supposed "fabulosity" of the "Raven",which I have heard quite a few times(I have no issue with it,and it seems like a ... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Halcro,I wonder if you are involved in the industry,or a hobbyist?Personally I have no issue with either,but I get the impression,from your confident dismissal of the Phantom,Triplanar,and apparrent knocking of the Schroder,that you "just might ha...