
Responses from sirspeedy

Clement Perry's new reference speaker
Mrjstark,..."man", you seem defensive!!!I was not even alluding to "you" or anyone in particular.Merely stating some folks are decent people...That's it"!! Best. 
Clement Perry's new reference speaker
I think that folks like Clement P,and Greg Petan deserve some real credit!Not so much for their own opinions about "sonic attributes" of a given component,but for the hospitable characteristics portrayed here!! I mean,to give out an invite to othe... 
Stand out phono stages
BTW,Pedrillo,I was NOT referring to you in my last post. 
Stand out phono stages
Pedrillo,I'm totally happy for you.You semed like a fine fellow,when we met(in elevator)at HE-2007.BTW,as stated all I was doing was post some hobbyspeak.Just my "opinions",which I think I mentioned,"like three times"!These were "just impressions"... 
Stand out phono stages
I just came back from a demo of three superb phono stages,in a system consisting of three different mfgrs electronics.All running the JM Labs Nova Utopia Be speakers,in a huge room,with all Nordost Odin cabling.Imposing,and very expensive!!All dig... 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
Nilthepill,I have no doubts as to how great this phonostage is,or I wouldn't make the trip from Central N.J. to lower Manhattan for the demo.I don't want to hijack this thread,and won't post here,so I will assume(actually my friends already confir... 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
Sorry Stiltskin,no way I'm schlepping my Phonostage to Manhattan.-:)...I'll just enjoy whatever I can,and am only looking at the experience as a get-away day,for the hobby. 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
Stiltskin,this week I will have the opportunity to hear the Zanden phonostage.I'll get to audition it on Wednesday,but it will be at a dealer(a lengthly demo,I hope)!Since this design intrigues me,I am willing to take the time to get whatever I ca... 
Graham Phantom 44 tonearm
The older one has cone shaped magnets.I am not sure about the newer bearing,but I just got a Phantom,and "think" the new bearing may be a bit sharper at the tip.My friend has the older bearing,which shifts a bit,but still sounds great. 
A cartridge for the graham 2.2 under $1000
Pedrillo,I believe M.Fremer absolutely loved a particular Soundsmith design,that he just reviewed(this month's Stereophile.If I remember correctly,it was about 750 bucks. Good luck. 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Larry,as you probably know,I have an Orpheus.My dear friend Sid has the Titan-i which I have heard loads of times.I have to give it to have the sound comparisons "nailed"!That is exactly how I would describe those differences.Great job... 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
My last post,I promise...To be totally fair,my point about the Raven was more about questioning "why" someone like JV did not seem to be too bothered by the differences he heard in two quite different sonic presentations,between Raven and Walker,a... 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
I have heard Joshua Bell,in a small college auditorium,and the acoustics had me putting my hands over my ears,due to overly bright hall sound,and close seating.Lincoln Center,especially where the Julliard Orch practices, is also quite "overly-live... 
SOTA, soft feet or cones, when to use either?
Cones,with a good solid shelf underneath.Preferrably a Symposium shelf. Good luck. 
Raven v Walker. Colored v Accurate?
BTW,not to be provocative,but I felt JV gave the Raven a free pass,to some extent.My eyes went a bit wide when "he" mentioned the loss of air,and lack of spacial characteristics between instruments on the sound stage.Also,a slight darkening of sou...