
Responses from sirspeedy

Lyra Titan i with a Manley Steelhead....settings??
Dear Mark,wonderful feedback.Thanks,from someone,like me,who loves new and interesting feedback.Just for the possibility of getting a different view from others...Harmless fun!! So sorry to hear about your pal!!I truly know "some" of the emotions ... 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
BTW,sorry!I meant the linear/"air bearing" designs! 
Lyra Titan i with a Manley Steelhead....settings??
I've not heard the Steel Head with the Titan-i,but have heard the CJ phonostage with it ALOT.This replaced the original Titan and then the Helikon,like you had. The only somewhat meaningful advice I can offer is.....when it sounds so good that you... 
Rowland Model 6 monoblocks - my thoughts
Precisely the reason I love to observe the expression on my "tube loving" friends' faces when they come over to "try" and find something/anything wrong,with the way my highly modded(by J.R.)two chassis 8t sounds. Sorry,but this amp stays for a LON... 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
OK,on topic...When my friend Sid,moved from the "linear" Air Tangent(modded pump)design to the VPI 12.5,and then 12.6 it was clearly obvious(from a few listsners familiar with "that" set-up)that there was a definits loss of believeability/beauty i... 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
Automobile "talk" bores me!!..Maybe Tennis talk,or how great the Giants were,beating the invincible Patriots. The 12 inch subject,though valid,does not "get me going" all that much,mainly because there are some fabulous "shorties" that are absolut... 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
Z,I must admit,though you are going to get "mucho" criticism,on these threads(probably)you are WAY more entertaining than anything on cable,these days!! 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
Z,the "rheto" thing?I knew it!Give me a little more observational credit if you can.I'm not SO old to be "that" slow minded!! -:) BTW,the "SIR" thing,as you apply it to me,is cute...BUT it would be more accurately used on Albert Porter.That fellow... 
Quad 57 stacked v Wilson watt puppy 6/7
My friend had the same system as "Donaudio".Stacked Quads,with ribbon tweets,and triamped,with three Bedini 25 wpc amps.Superb set-up,but took up lots of space.Completely different presentation than Wilsons.Nobody is going to tell you which to buy... 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
Z,I'm not old enough to have a grandson....I lied, I am but have none!!...As to anything influencing a newbee,who cares?It's not the job of a hobby/discussion forum to create market interest,IMO! Yet,I know "we do" agree on balance.You and I..BUT.... 
Graham Phantom damping fluid level.
Frank,no secret method!I was loaned a Wallytractor,which looks to be supremely good at this,BUT what I do personally,is use my own set of reference LP's which I know "extremely well"!!This trumps any device,for me.I started out assuming the Wally ... 
Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms
BTW,"Z",I happen to like the person you seem to be critical of.I like his enthusiasm,and his well meant intentions!!Always have!! Like everyone shoud do with my comments(I must come off as hot air,often)some things should be taken with a grain of ... 
Graham Phantom damping fluid level.
Bofh,with tail up too much I don't like the tonal quality I get.Down gives me a slightly deadened sound.I am "about" parallel to the LP(cartridge body),with an itty bitty tail up position.BTW,the azimuth is "incredibly" important with this cartrid... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Halcro,NOW a 12 inch DaVinci TOO? You're such a tease! -:) 
Graham Phantom damping fluid level.
Bofh,I'm still playing with antiskate.I have a few more sessions before I really know it,in my set-up.Right now,I have "two" notches showing,on the "bar".Will be making more adjustments,for sure.BTW,the fluid,on the bottom of the squared off point...