
Responses from sirspeedy

Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Logenn,I am not someone who likes only one product.I am a true fan of many fine designs(like Leica,which I always wanted too,but got a Cannon).If someone asks me a question about a product I own,hopefully I can give some meaningful feedback.BUT I ... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
I want to make one more comment regarding the Triplanar.Just hobbyspeak,and only my opinion. Although I now have a new,and wonderful(not much for me to find fault with,in a "sane" world)Graham Phantom,the Triplanar reminds me of the irreplaceable,... 
Best protractor for aligning to cantilever
Stltrains,I'm really happy for you!!!DON'T get too fanatical though.-:) I just got my new Phantom,and spent all of last Saturday setting parameters.Listened Sunday,and fine tuned..... Broke down the set-up yesterday(what a pain in the tush)and re-... 
Best protractor for aligning to cantilever
Well I got a Wallytractor,on loan from Jeff Catalano of High Water Sound.Got it in two days,and offered to buy it from him,as I want to re set up my newly arrived Phantom using other means for comparative purposes.The supplied jig is good,but I am... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Raul,you are definitely correct!!!Also,some of the best systems I have heard were not of the latest,most expensive components.From my using the internet,to see so many different types of systems,enjoyed by many hobbyists,I realize there is a wide ... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Yes,Halcro I did read Fremers comments.Hey,if something pushes the emvelope.... "great".I don't recall Fremer doing a "real" comparison against the Copperhead,as it was itegrated into the Criterion(gorgeous table,btw). He did make mention of the P... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Halcro,while I am absolutely fascinated by the Copperhead(hey,multiple patents on much of their stuff,surely means something),the "bar" stays in about the same place(as far as I am concerned),unless the Copperhead is compared to both the Phantom,a... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
Downunder,so glad you are happy!!...Funny you mention your VPI experience,as I was at my friend Sid last week.He has the 12.5 arm,or is it 12.6?He is awaiting both the new 12.7 arm and the rim drive.I must state that he is a huge fan of VPI produc... 
Graham Phantom damping fluid level.
Frank,at one time I had a 150 gal,75 gal,50 gal,and two 20 gal "marine" set ups going,all at once!!I truly know the meaning of "pain in the tush" hobby.-:)Even had to hand feed certain species. BTw,I still like to look at the aquarium mags,but am ... 
Graham Phantom damping fluid level.
Frank,as to fluid level....As you know I am still in the set-up phase of my own arm.Probably for another two weeks,or so. My friend has a Phantom/Orpheus combination,like me.I had re-set it up for him,at his request,and am continually playing arou... 
Graham Phantom damping fluid level.
Yes,I am calling SOTA tomorrow(I have a new Cosmos),just to confirm.I am not too worried as I am tracing quite cleanly. The armboard,as I can see,is going to be extremely difficult to drill "spot on"(my friend has a very similar situation with VPI... 
Graham Phantom damping fluid level.
Hmm,Frank I don't see/feel that particular wand problem.My jig has more play in it than my friend's,who lives 40 minutes away.I'm willing to bet that I am almost spot on,but want to be sure,hence the WAlly. Best. 
Graham Phantom damping fluid level.
Frank,currently I have the fluid level just touching the very bottom of the squared bearing block.Just overlapping it,by a tiny margin.I only have "one" lengthly listening session with the arm,so I may very well add a touch more fluid this week.I ... 
Where can I find a RS1b bass driver?
Just heard a fabulous SOTA pair this week!Still a fantastic speaker,totally competitive with the best of today's big boys!! I'd second contacting Bill Legall. If he can't help,don't stop!!!A great and timeless design,IMO!!! You may want to conside... 
Graham Phantom damping fluid level.
For anyone interested...just finished my own two day Phantom install,and calibrating.More enjoyable than I had thought,but very tedious.Thank goodness my family left me alone for a few hours! The entire installation took me 6 hrs on Saturday,with ...