

Responses from shadorne

Wilson Maxx2 or Aerial 20T
I second Jaybo ....stick with the 20T's...only if you want something louder and more powerful dynamically would I consider this switch... 
Flat Anechoic Measured Frequency Response Speakers
The ATC has a very flat response. Do you find that flat responses sometimes limit the 3rd dimension to the soundstage? In other words, do you find it is more like a two dimensional picture than a three dimensional picture depth-wise? No not at al... 
Best recordings to demonstrate soundstage?
Tom Petty anything is very good.Bob Dylan Oh MercyRoger Waters Amused to DeathThere are so many it is almost impossible to make a shortlist....there is no problem with box speakers per se as regards soundstage. 
Heavy Center Channel Wall Mount
I agree with Pdn.I have used Omnimount with great success...there are versions with lag bolts that can screw into wooden studs...this can easily hold your center channel. Omnimount design stuff for speakers weighing up to several 100's of pounds... 
Anyway - don't believe me - just look at the reviews - only one person complained about the orchestra being too loud on this recording - although he still says "great recording". This is no MP3 even if the piano isn't "close-miked" - which is not ... 
Heard my friend's system, thinking of leaving hifi
Hey Shadorne, my hi-fi buddy has heard all the Meridian gear. Still loves his horns,lol.A sobering thought; expensive doesn't always equal good/or best. Which horns does your friend believe beats Meridian hands down? If you are referring to the f... 
Flat Anechoic Measured Frequency Response Speakers
I recall a thread where there was an argument about the relevance or value of specifications. I can imagine some are rolling their eyes at this current discussion of beautiful looking plots.For those rolling their eyes, and this is true: Dolly Par... 
Flat Anechoic Measured Frequency Response Speakers
They were very detailed, but to my ears they sounded forward and a bit bright. Thanks - although too forward is how many would describe ATC's. The plots indicate these may indeed be a bit brighter in the treble as there is no roll-off at all - be... 
Flat Anechoic Measured Frequency Response Speakers
This excess off-axis energy in the lower treble region is caused by the tweeter having a very wide pattern just above the crossover point, and it's there on most speakers AHA ....now you have hit the nail on the head in respect of the deficiencie... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
if there is no best, because "best" does not exist in audio, then, i suppose... Suppose if MrTennis posts his views but no one reads them, do the views exist? 
Kjl,May I ask what speakers you are using? Is it still the Quads 988's?I just can't reconcile your statement In the ones I mentioned its like there is no top, no bottom almost like a compressed MP3quality. with the Telarc recording CD-802-259 unl... 
Best new loudspeaker
I must admit MrT, I thought you meant best too - especially given this statementthe quads unlimited quad 57 are closer to real than anything out there, period. "anything out there, period"In my simple mindedness I equated your "criteria" of being ... 
Flat Anechoic Measured Frequency Response Speakers
Duke,The K&H O 500 measurements are absolutely stunning (although the spectral decay plot may be hiding resonances as it cuts off at -25 db)I have read good comments about these speakers (except they do not play very loud - probably a direct r... 
Computer speakers?
NHT MOO and SOO are good. 
I didn't say anything to the owner of the system when he played it at that level, but makes me wonder why people think it is necessary to play it that loud? Is it because of a poor recording quality or any other reason? I don't know how loud you ...