

Responses from seasoned

Does anyone out there NOT hear a difference in CD
Considering the equipment that you currently own, you should be able to hear differences between the Cambridge and the Pioneer. You mentioned that a clear improvement is needed if the switch is to be warranted. Whether that happens depends on your... 
Nakamichi cassette playback in non-Nak deck?
Used to make tapes on a Nak 480 for playback in the car (Concord head unit, ADS speakers) and the sound was outstanding - treble was clear and extended. If there is a problem with tape track-to-head alignment, the first to go will be the high freq... 
Small AV room setups now better than big rooms???
There are systems optimized for all situations large and small. You have a good point that a small room can afford immense A/V pleasure and to some degree better than a large room. Personally, I have always found the home theater experience flawed... 
Diffusion or Absorption behind the speakers?
While there is no one-way-fits-all solution, i think it is safe to say that most folks use diffusion behind their speakers. Some audiophiles, with dipoles for example, might treat otherwise - so generally speaking here.Absorption may be used, howe... 
Cheap tweak from Virtual Dynamics:
I would be very careful if you plan to monkey around with your loudspeakers' driver mounting screws. Most higher end speaker manufacturers understand the importance of mounting screws, especially with regards to equal torque and loosening over tim... 
Can you Listen to Vinyl Casually??
Vinyl is simply more involving than digital - period. It is no wonder that you are being pulled into the listening chair when playing your analog rig; involvement is one of analog's main attributes. I listen to digital when I am feeling lazy or wa... 
Where are you today?
I started out with SS (APT Holman, Electron Kinetics) then went to tubes (Quicksilver) then I went back to SS (Plinius), then went back to tubes (BAT). I am thoroughly satisfied with my current tube amp, although sometimes I could use a bit more p... 
Driven to Tears
Once, my wife was in the listening chair groovin' on "Living for the City" by Stevie Wonder. When the song ended and I raised the lights, she was crying. I asked, "what's wrong; you don't like my new amp?" She responded, "No, it's fine, but I feel... 
In general, a line attenuator is used in the pro world, such as to attenuate the output of an electric guitar, microphone, etc. They are usually a little box with specific inputs that pro gear uses and incorporates a volume control. Not usually us... 
Vandersteen 5A vs Mcintosh XRT28
The vandersteen 5a are superb reference speakers and are destined to become a classic. They are very flexible, can be easily suited to most rooms and do not require a boatload of power to drive. If they are working out for you in your room with yo... 
Power Trip
So much for being brief. Your power woes were certainly extreme and it is no wonder that you experienced such a high degree of improvement after the wiring makeover. I suppose I am lucky and gifted that I live in a newer house in a newer neighborh... 
Bass issues,,,,will new speaker help?
Chad,In general, the Cardas Rule is a general starting point for speaker and listener placement. From there you must move your speakers and listening position for optimum results. When you stand in the corner, you are hearing bass that is all bunc... 
Klipsch forte II what league are they in?
Several years ago a coworker brought over his newly purchased pair of Fortes to see what they would sound like on a high-end system and in a dedicated treated sound room. We set them up and played around with positioning to give them their best sh... 
Do you pull A/C plugs during thunder storms?
I flip the breaker switch; it's a lot easier and I don't have to worry about reapplying my expensive quicksilver contact enhancer to the plugs' blades afterwards. Some may argue that flipping the breaker is less effective because of arching across... 
System matching can be difficult...
Use this forum to your advantage by searching the archive and seeing what other reputable members are using with your individual components. If no information is found, ask. Also, call the manufacturers. For example, If you own a particular type o...