
Responses from sean

Speaker Grills??
Newbee: Does this mean that the speakers are bright and they use the grills as "mufflers"??? : ) Sean> 
IC advice needed
I'm with Driver on this one. Buy some cables of decent build quality at RS or Best Buy and then do some shopping around. This will give you tunes and allow you to compare how well expensive cabling holds up to "the bare necessities" in direct comp... 
Does GFP-710 sound better that older GFP-565
I think that Audio Xpress had several articles written by reviewer / DIY'er Gary Galo about upgrading this preamp via home-brew modifications. I know that the author and a few others that did a head to head vs an unmodified unit found the "new &am... 
Should i buy a cassette based on lab test's?
Combine Bomarc's and Timo's response and you've got your answer. They covered different aspects of tape selection i.e. pre-adjusted bias levels vs machines with adjustable bias. Obviously, adjustable bias has advantages so long as one has a way of... 
Speaker Grills??
Yes, this is normal. Grills cause diffraction and frequency response abberations. Joe D'Appolito has said that he never met a grill that he liked. Now you know why : ) Sean> 
Budget Turntable Cartridge Suggestions
I would check into the Ortofon OM 10/20/30 series cartridges. Agon member 2juki typically has phenomenal deals on these cartridges. These are much faster, cleaner and more articulate sounding with good trackability than their prices would make you... 
resonance and sealed enclosures
It will depend on the "Q" or tuning of the driver in that specific cabinet. Most sealed designs typically have a lower Q, meaning that they have a much smaller peak ( if any ) at resonance. This is why they sound far more natural and offer better ... 
I need more cowbell....
Pops: I'll try and get back to your email sometime Monday night. I'm having a phenomenal amount of problems with my server ( Comcast ) right now, so things are very sporadic and i'm just trying to keep up with my business transactions for right no... 
Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?
I'm glad to hear that you're still "foaming at the mouth" over your "new" speakers Mitch. Given that you started off with what most would consider "better than most" passive parts in your speaker, can you even begin to fathom how some older but ve... 
4ohm, 8ohm speakers and output power
Andyr: All things being equal ( ha ha ha ), when you go from an 8 ohm load to a 4 ohm load with an SS amp, you double the current capacity or "ampacity" of the circuit. The only problem is, since you've cut the impedance in half at the speaker, cu... 
Power cord suggestions to improve cd playback
While Chris has changed the cabling that he uses, you might want to try one of the VH Audio Flavour 2 cables. While he doesn't recommend it for digital use, i've always found it to work quite well for the purposes that you intend. It may be possib... 
4ohm, 8ohm speakers and output power
Yeah, what Newbee sez : )A speaker that presents a nominal 4 ohm load will draw twice as much power as a speaker with a nominal 8 ohm impedance. Since the amplifier has to work harder i.e. generates more heat to deliver twice the power, you aren't... 
What kind of music did you/will you get married to
I was just thinking about this the other day. The first one that came to mind was as follows. Kind of an odd song in that it is both up-beat and somewhat dark at the same time. Maybe that's why i can relate : )"I'll stop the world and melt with yo... 
I need more cowbell....
If you change your preamp to something that isn't as warm and sweet sounding, you're going to end up having to change at least one other item mentioned in your list of components. I'm not saying which piece it is, but i see it as a sore spot in an... 
I need more cowbell....
If you're are pretty happy with your system as it is now, leave well enough alone. It looks like you're playing a pretty balanced game of "complimentary colourations" from what i can see here. Either that or get ready for a LOT more experimentatio...