
Responses from sean

Which Audio Interconnect would you recommend?
I don't know about the other two, but i wouldn't recommend the Kimber or Homegrown Audio for your specific system. In fact, i would probably avoid most silver cables all-together for your system. That's just me though. Sean> 
Why is Sony Digital sound more like vinyl?
Audioengr: I don't doubt that a faster and cleaner input signal would help any DAC. As i mentioned though, i bought my transport as it came factory stock with a "super-clock", extra regulation circuitry, AC line filtering, etc... Sean> 
VenHaus Pulsar™ interconnects
Some of you seem to think that there can be a "best" interconnect. There can't be. There isn't an interconnect made that can act as a perfect link / impedance transformer between the multitudes of different input and output impedances that each di... 
Why is Sony Digital sound more like vinyl?
Audioengr: Your paper basically confirms what i've said about audio design all along i.e. it is all about speed, stability, impedances and power transfer. Until the AF guys learn that these factors are the key to performance, most AF gear will alw... 
Douglas Self on Negative feedback and distortion
Hammy: Bob Carver's older design's wouldn't pass the spec test and that's why they don't pass the sonic test either. If you think that they did / would pass the spec test, then you're not interpreting the spec's right. Having said that, you can be... 
Why is Sony Digital sound more like vinyl?
Audioengr: Playing music and playing a disc such as the Ayre that i mentioned are very different things in terms of how it "works" the component. This is due to the differences in spectral balance and average levels achieved. By working the entire... 
VenHaus Pulsar™ interconnects
KP: You crack me up : )Tvad: Thanks for taking the time to offer up your initial thoughts. I would only add that changing the location of each interconnect i.e. the components that they interphase together could very well change the observed resul... 
How good is the Philips 963SA as CD transport?
Kenny: I could see how you could arrive at that conclusion. These units lack certain qualities i.e. they aren't very "open" or "airy". As such, the sound & presentation is not as "expansive" for these reasons, hence a logical descriptive term ... 
Douglas Self on Negative feedback and distortion
Andy: How's this for a list? Slew Rate, Rise & Fall Time, Rated Power Bandwidth, Rated Frequency response, Current Capacity ( steady state and peak ), Output Impedance, Square Wave Tilt @ 20 Hz, Power Output @ clipping into various impedances,... 
Home brew cleaning solution
Being able to penetrate dirt / loosen it and being able to keep it suspended in the cleaning solution are different aspects of a cleaning agent. You need both aspects of operation for it to be an effective cleaner. Even with both of those aspects ... 
How good is the Philips 963SA as CD transport?
While some may have a hard time believing this, but the sonic characteristics of these units that one hears when running the unit as a full-blown player are pretty much carried over to what one hears when used as a transport. That is, a very "roun... 
Why is Sony Digital sound more like vinyl?
Audioengr: If you have a Philips 963 or even a 763 that sounds "clinical", that thing is MEGA-broken compared to the Philips units i've worked with. These pieces are anything BUT "clinical" sounding. If you told me it sounded round, soft and syrup... 
Douglas Self on Negative feedback and distortion
Hammy: That's why i said ALL the spec's have to be kept in perspective and properly obtained, not just "some of the spec's have to be good" or "some of the spec's were obtained in a manner that isn't representative of real world conditions", etc..... 
Are There Any Inherent Advantages to Class A amps?
Mitch, if you want an amp / amps for just the bottom end and REALLY want them to thunder, save some money and buy some used Electron Kinetics Eagle 7A's, a Perreaux PMF-5150B, etc... It might take some looking and waiting, but you can typically fi... 
VenHaus Pulsar™ interconnects
HaHaHa... I probably shouldn't have done / said what i did. Nothing like dumping a "project" on someone that's not expecting it, huh ??? Sorry 'bout dat Tvad... : )As the other guys said, take your time and don't feel rushed. While i am of the bel...