
Responses from sean

Cables length ?
For all practical purposes, it would be best if your cables were appr. the same length. As mentioned above, impedance can play a part in this equation for sure. As such, "coiling" can increase inductance, so you best bet would be to loosely "snake... 
Bi-Amp success story
I think it's great when someone joins in with their "projects" or experience in similar threads. While it might divert a small amount of information away from the original post, i think that it typically gives them even more info that they they mi... 
Bi-Amp success story
While i have never run any amps in bridged mode myself, most of the manufacturers that i have spoken to tell me that sonics DO take a hit in the nose. Some manufacturers will advise against this even though they do acknowledge that it can be done.... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Very straightforward and honest post Bmpnyc. Thanks for summing up all of my ramblings : ) Sean> 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Steve, once again you have failed to post ANY information that supports your point of view other than an analogy ( a poor one at that ). While we are all open to various points of view ( that's why we openly discuss different areas of interest her... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
I know that the Mobie is available from Music Direct here in Chicago. The phone number is 800 - 449 - 8333 and their website is listed below so that it's easy to cut and paste. Talk to Bes if you need info on it as they don't have much on their we... 
Bi-Amp success story
Craig, just for your info i had run a set of 4 way / 5 driver towers in a passive arrangement. I had two different amps from the same manufacturer horizontally configured. This gave me 400+ wpc on the top side ( 200 Hz and above ) and 600+ wpc on ... 
klipsch heresy, please be critical
There are TONS of low cost modifications that you can do to the Heresy's. The end result is a speaker that is FAR smoother and more natural sounding while still retaining all of the dynamic punch that it currently offers. If your interested, email... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Like i said, don't knock them until YOU have tried them first hand. Until then, you're simply speaking out of ignorance with a complete lack of experience to support your statements. You have cited NO factual information in ANY of your "tirades" e... 
How much does your system retail for?
As i read through the posts here, another "brilliant" ( ???? ) idea popped into my head.... A new thread soon to appear... Sean> 
New Stereophile recommended list
Listener is kind of fun to read in an "amusing" way. I think that it would be way better if they lost the self proclaimed "Gizmo" for both "political" and "personal" reasons.As to Stereophile, as much as we knock them, they still have the most in-... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Since i started this ruckus, i might as well add my findings to it. Thanks to those that understood where i was coming from and took the time to share their honest comments. As mentioned, i wanted to get "the straight dope" from everyone first-han... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Maybe you "chuckleheads" misunderstood what i was saying, so i'll try and clarify it here. For the record, i DO believe that cables do change sonics with use. I simply wanted to know if others had done anything to "speed up" the process, what they... 
Counterpoint SA-3.1 and 5.1
As someone that makes a living doing modifications on electronics, it's very easy to take a basic design, alter components in terms of values, parts quality, etc.., re-align & fine tune the new stuff and end up with something completely differ... 
My overlooked cheap tweak
That stuff would probably leave more residue than what it took off.... Sean>