
Responses from sean

Finally taking the leap to Monoblocks
I'll have to dig that one up and take a look at it. Thanks for reminding me about that review. While i do have a hard time "buying" some of their ratings, i can at least try to decipher the test results for myself. Sean> 
Area 51 Cables and Interconnects
I had a few sets of those cables sent to me as prototypes. In return for offering "constructive criticism", i was told that i could keep them. After listened for just a very short time, i quickly sold them. While i couldn't really put my finger on... 
Finally taking the leap to Monoblocks
According to "theory", a SS amp should "double down" as impedance is halved. To reverse this, as impedance is doubled, power output would be cut in half. In English, a 500 wpc amp @ 8 ohms SHOULD be a 1000 wpc amp @ 4 ohms and 2000 wpc @ 2 ohms, e... 
hahahha... sorry for the confusion Bob. I meant that Bob CARVER is "always up to something" in terms of designing, inventing, promoting his latest "gimmicks". Sorry if you took offense to that as i did not mean it that way at all.As i mentioned, i... 
Best Amp/Pre-amp Combo for 1500
How about pairing a set of Audiosource monoblocks and a Teac "Gold Faced" preamp ? You can get these BRAND NEW for well under $1500 from J & R Music World. The "cool" thing is that all of these components are "pint sized" and they won't take u... 
Finally taking the leap to Monoblocks
Just to throw a hornets' nest into the equation here, i have REAL problems with a big dollar SS monoblock that is rated for the same amount of power at 8 ohms that it is at 4 ohms. If i remember correctly, that's what the literature that i read ab... 
Networking cable for speaker cable?
Check over at the Asylum under the "cables" forum. They can refer you to several different designs by either Chris VH, Thorston Loesch via TNT audio, Jon Risch, etc... I have a couple runs of CAT 5 based cables and they do some things quite well. ... 
Best Amp/Pre-amp Combo for 1500
How about letting us know what type of speakers your using, types of music that dominate your listening time, size of your room, etc... This would give those willing to suggest something a little better idea as to where your coming from. After all... 
To REWIRE or LET BE: a speakers question
Greg, i saw your post over at AA. Sorry i can't help you with the Stereophile situation. For these specific speakers, i would NOT mess with them. Arnie was one of the very first people that i know of to "voice" speakers using specific wires / wire... 
To tone control or not to tone control
Accuphase, huh Bob !!!! The economy must not have slowed down over there at "dish-ville".... : ) Sean> 
Full range/no sub home theater
Boy, a lot of "ditto's" going on here tonight. This one is no different.I too run full ranges all the way around. My mains are rated to do down into the mid 20's with a Q of appr .5 or so. That is TIGHT bass. My surrounds will do the same down to ... 
Anyone ever read the listener magazine
Ditto. Ditto. Ditto......Good for a reasonable browsing, but not exactly my cup of tea. I do think that they have a pretty high "honesty level" compared to most other zines. It takes GUTS for a "high end" audio reviewer to say "I use the cables th... 
While i have never heard the GFP-750 first-hand, i would like to. I was thinking about buying one just to check it out. It does have some nice features and was designed by one of my favorite's, Nelson Pass. Whether or not it is up to his standard ... 
I don,t Understand ????
Hey Dekay, i need you to contact me right away. I quoted you the wrong price on those "RCA Shunts" that i made for you. 8 "terminations" at $10 apiece sound MORE than reasonable compared to what most of these "wire bandits" are charging : ) Beside... 
Which "stand alone" processor ???
Let me clarify what i'm looking for. I want to KEEP the Marsh in the system and am looking for an "outboard" processor, not a "stand alone" unit. I worded my post incorrectly as i was thinking that it was "stand alone" since it would not have a pr...