
Responses from sean

Logans and Heavy Metal?
My experience is that NO e-stat can play loud enough to do "metal" justice. The one exception to this rule MIGHT be the HIGHLY efficient Innersound Eros. Then again, what one calls "metal" and "loud" are a matter of personal tastes. If you like to... 
Replace 35" TV with something bigger
Hey "Swampy", do you feel that using Video Essentials made a worthwhile change to your video performance ? Would you buy and use it again knowing what you know now ? I don't want some of these folks to buy this thing if i'm the only one that think... 
Replace 35" TV with something bigger
Most decent Audio / Video stores will carry one of the two discs mentioned. If they don't have either, they can typically order it. You might also try something like Amazon, etc... on the web.As mentioned, the Video Essentials DVD is easier to use... 
Replace 35" TV with something bigger
my understanding is that Plasma sets will NOT have as long of a lifespan as that of a good quality RPTV or especially a standard "tube" set. The various reasons escape me right now. As such, i do agree that the picture on them is typically excelle... 
Budget amp advice
The best ST-140's were the very first models made. These were only rated at 70 wpc and had iron core ( old style ) transformers. The second production models were rated at 105 wpc and used toroidal transformers (wire-wound "donuts"). As such, the ... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
I have to agree with Albert. Aside from a few posts that aimed for the jugular, i think that we were able to confirm at least ONE thing and do it reasonably civil. Most of the "regulars" agree and those that didn't agree still don't. As an electro... 
kinergetics chiro
Drop me an email. I think i can hook you up with a "connection" to Kinergetics. Sean> 
I need some help
Variovents can be used on the baffle of the speaker. To use a variovent though, the cabinet MUST be completely airtight except for the variovent itself. If there are ANY air leaks at all, the variovent is compromised and your results will be stric... 
Replace 35" TV with something bigger
Like we've mentioned before and is repeated here, MAKE SURE that the TV has a good picture at ANY viewing angle at various distances. This alone will eliminate almost every brand of RPTV except a VERY few. I will say that there is a reason why Mit... 
Table only as good as it s cartridge?
I think that a TT set-up is as good as not only the sum of its' basic parts ( tt, arm, cartridge, wiring, etc...), but also one must take into account it's mounting and support structure. Since vinyl "grooves" are micro at best, vibration of the p... 
Why so many Plinius for sale lately
While this will probably result in a "flame fest" or "negative points bashing", maybe the owners have finally listened to them with open ears. My limited experience with a Plinius based system ( amp & pre ) was rather harsh, strident and fatig... 
DIP for CAL Alpha/Delta combo?
I think that "jitterboxes" as a whole are very system and component dependent. I also think that the results are noticeable enough to make them a matter of personal taste.My experience ( using a Cal Delta / Sigma & Delta / Alpha combos and a M... 
Kinergetics sw800 sub.
Kinergetics and Chiro are both technically "defunct". I do know that the designer of that gear is still working on, repairing, upgrading, etc... those pieces though. If you really liked and wanted something from them, i would not be real put off b... 
Too snobbish for SACD as it exists?
yeah, that happens to me all the time Craig. I'll be working on one of my "novels" and by the time i'm done and posted it, someone has said the same thing in a much simpler and elegant manner : ( Sean 
I am stunned
I think that a great majority of EE's are "spec readers" by nature. As such, most probably have equipment that measures well but sounds less than optimum. To have one "cross over" to the land of "believers" is quite excellent. Kudos to you Liguy a...