
Responses from sean

long term disappointments?
HifiHarv made an excellent point. Kudos to him for bringing this up. Sean> 
The best speaker you ever heard?
I don't think that there is any one speaker that does everything "right". Keeping that in mind, i REALLY like Ohm F's when properly set up. Sure, they're inefficient, tough to drive, won't play REAL loud and are really tough to set up, but there i... 
Pass Aleph-3 questions
Something has come up in this thread that i want to discuss, but it is of another subject matter. As such, i'm going to follow my own advice and start a new thread so that we can stay "on topic" here. Sean> 
Anybody else wanna pull their hair out ?
Adamanteus, the Sanus racks will work fine in terms of having a place to organize and display your gear at a very reasonable price. Find the specific models in the Sanus line that you like and drop me an email. I may be able to help you out with p... 
I m a beginner. Please help
Besides Leafs' point above, "The Audio Critic" has been proven to be a liar, scammer, deceiver and manipulator. How "fair" is it to review a set of speakers, give them glowing praise, say that they are amongst the finest you've ever heard and then... 
Pass Aleph-3 questions
David, all i can tell you is that if you think 200 wpc is overkill with reasonably efficient speakers for doing "metal" volume levels, you better never come to my house for a "jam session". Just "shows to go ya" that everybody has different ideas ... 
Audio design engineer in Chicago
John at Van L Speakerworks ( sometimes referred to as Chicago Speakerworks ) is the perfect example of a down to earth audio dealer. He's probably the nicest dealer out of all that i've ever dealt with. If he can't point you in the right direction... 
Pass Aleph-3 questions
If your listening to rock and "metal" with 92 db speakers, 200 wpc is not enough to REALLY "jam". You've got the wrong amp for what your trying to do. Sean> 
Pass Aleph-3 questions
Your simply running out of steam and need more amplifier. It takes current to produce large quantities of bass. Once the amplifier is saturated, it will not be able to reproduce the current demanding bass as easily as it can the non-current demand... 
Have I been slow to catch on or what...
If U send me the gear that your thinking about buying, i will tell you whether it's any good or not : )Honestly though, you have to find a mag that has no advertising in it. IAR was one ( even though we all knew that Peter LOVED Audio Research Cor... 
I m a beginner. Please help
One need not even get into a seperate preamp and power amp to get "good music" out of their system. There are many "audiophiles" that are happy with using a receiver or integrated amp. Like any other hobby, you have people of various levels of int... 
mods for Adcom GFP-750
I work with radio communications gear and most of my audio based "experimentation" has been on some specific power amps and mostly speakers and DIY cables. I'm currently "gutting" some preamps and will consider this to be a "learning experience" i... 
Anybody else wanna pull their hair out ?
Adamanteus, comparing Billy Bags to Sanus is like comparing the most exquisite "gourmet" burger that you've ever had to McDonald's !!! Don't get me wrong as i do have some Sanus racks and i'm not knocking them, but we are talking one end of the pr... 
Need Opinion on Speaker Repair
Better, worse or just "different" might be how you could describe changing the "guts" on any component. The end result has to be judged personally and in ones' own system. What works great in Bubba's system might really aggravate or highlight some... 
mods for Adcom GFP-750
I do not like to bunch wires together ( especially power supply and signal wires ). Spread them out as much as possible. In terms of "re-wiring" something internally, keep in mind that this WILL alter it's tonal balance to a noticeable degree in m...