
Responses from sean

Logans and Heavy Metal?
Angela, i've never heard the specific speakers that you have but do have a friend that had them. While he did like them, he complained of a rather limited "sweet spot". This is a relatively common complaint about E-stat's, so i don't think that it... 
Warm sounding ss power amps
To respond to something that Megasam stated, Bi-polar amps are typically known for having better bass response than Mosfets when properly designed. As such, one would think that they would sound "warmer" but that is typically not the case. Mosfets... 
Stunned by a cable upgrade
Gunbei, here's a link as to my experience with the AP Oval 9's. If your happy with your system now, DON'T read it. Like many others, i too have tried tons of cables looking for something "better" even though i was completely happy with the results... 
Audiophile Magazine Web Locations -- FYI
Very thoughtful of you to round up these for everyone. Another source of info is Steve Ekblad's Audio Link site. He does his best to keep it up to date although you might find a few that are dead. It's listed below and there are so many links that... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Stiffly regulated supplies in SS power amps typically DO NOT do well with low impedance loads, large changes in dynamics, severe impedance swings, peak power output, etc... UNLESS the amp is built like TWO tanks with a MASSIVE power supply reserve... 
Stunned by a cable upgrade
I'm glad that it worked out for you better than expected. It is always nice when a system change is a step forward and is reasonably priced. While my results with these cables were not to my liking, this just goes to show how much system compatabi... 
Any DIYer s out there ?
Jon Risch's website is listed below. It has quite a bit of DIY and technical info on it. Jon is an EE ( electrical engineer ) and has been involved in various phases of audio and sound reproduction for MANY years. He is one HELLUVA good guy and do... 
Do your Cables migrate thru your system?
Seems like an all too common trait of our "sickness". At least we're all showing the same symptoms : ) Sean> 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Audiofrk, I have a Duo-Tech and a Mobie. While the Duo-Tech is more versatile in terms of what you can hook up to it and "burn in", I prefer the Mobie.As to Steve's question, what else would a "good" engineer do when something doesn't "feel right"... 
Logans and Heavy Metal?
Strictly a matter of semantics and personal taste here. Rage has more of a "chunky" sound than "heavy" to me. Nor does "hard rock" or "old school" classify as "metal". "Heavy" would be bands like Paramaecium, Winter, Sorrow, Mortification, Morbid ... 
What s your favorite amp 2500 used/ 4k
I agree with several of the comments above. I too think that a "multi-channel" version of a two channel amp sounds quite different even though the basic circuitry is supposed to be "near identical". As such, i use a two channel amp ( Sunfire Signa... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
THANK YOU Steve for posting this question. While i don't have time to respond right now, BELIEVE me, i WILL when i get back from work tonight. Sean> 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Red, the VAST majority of Engineers and Techs that i know are FAR from being "scientists". They only know what their books and teachers taught them and that's where most of their "education" stopped. That is why many of the products that we have t... 
Logans and Heavy Metal?
No offense Mrtrader, but Rage is not considered "heavy" or "metal" by ANY metal head that i know. I too agree that e-stat's and planars just don't have the excursion capability that is required to do "slam" or have massive impact on the bottom end... 
Anyone heard of George Walsh
Maybe it's George Walshington your thinking of. Not only was he our first President, he played a mean fiddle. No bagpipes or flute for him though, as his wooden teeth just didn't allow it : ) Sean>