
Responses from sean

Where s the bass?
Several points to take notice of. You make no mention of room acoustics. Is the room relatively "live" overall ? Do you have any type of absorber at the primary points of reflection ? This would be along the side walls, the floor between both spea... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
One should dig through the archives at AA and read how badly Mr. Dunlavy was "scorched" after making similar comments. One does NOT have to have "ultra hi-end" gear or the utmost in resolution to hear some cable changes while others are minimal at... 
What SS amp has the fastest warm-up time
Low bias amps or amps with a "special" power supply like the Sunfire's will sound the closest when going from "stone cold" to "fully warmed up". Since the Sunfire's and other similar amps are highly efficient, you would not really notice ANY incre... 
TV/DVD Setup Disc
Sounds like a GREAT plan of attack, George. It's hard to beat quality, versatility AND good service. Sounds like you've pretty much got it covered in every aspect. Sean> 
Mobile Fidelity is back in business
I visit Music Direct every now and then. As such, i know that several of the employees are "vinyl addicts". As such, i'm sure that they WILL do some vinyl, but how much is anyone's guess. Sean> 
TV/DVD Setup Disc
Yes, calibration will help with clearing up the pictures in both cases. As mentioned in other threads about these discs, some sources may come out looking better while others look worse. In other words, calibrating your DVD might make incoming bro... 
Power Conditioning in Apartment Complex.
I know a few folks in Chicago that live in apartments and they have all had good luck with the Monster HTS-2000. While i'm not familiar with your Tice or its' capabilities, you might try one of the Monster's since they can be had so reasonably pri... 
Looking for warmer speaker cables
Pete, shoot me an email with some specifics about your system. I've got something here that you can try out at no risk. While it is not speaker cable, several others have had very good luck using one or two of these interconnects to do exactly wha... 
Best Tubes For Cal Alpha DAC
I tried the Mullard and another tube from Kevin. I prefer the Sovtek's mentioned above. Then again, there is QUITE a bit of personal preference and system synergy to take into account here, so obviously opinions will vary. Sean> 
Can’t believe anyone
Due to their use of HEAVY quantities of parts in the crossover circuit, Dynaudio speakers are BIGTIME power suckers. Even with their small speakers you will need a pretty reasonably sized amp for best performance. I would look for something that d... 
Assemblage 3.1 vs. EVS Millenium II DAC
Ric told me basically the same thing. He also told me that the Mill II might only last 6 months before he has the next version ready to go. Then again, his "6 months" would work out to be about 3 years in our time. I'm simply using the same conver... 
Party At Albertporter s
You folks are all great, especially Albert !!! I had a grin from ear to ear while reading these... Sean> 
Carl hears through Diamond
Have any of you folks with these "hi-dollar" cables ever "burned" them on a Mobie or Cable Cooker ? I'm curious as to the before / after results if this did occur. Sean> 
Decware Zen Monos
I know that Steve ( the manufacturer ) and several "folks" had major words over at the Tube Asylum. Other than that, i have seen both good and comments made about the basic performance and circuit design. Like anything else, the designer had a cer... 
TV/DVD Setup Disc
Avia is more difficult with Video Essentials being the "quick & dirty" method in comparison. Both will work and give you excellent results either way. I do own both of these and after letting a few "novices" borrow both to set their systems up...