
Responses from sean

"Pace", it's importance for enjoyment?
Thanks for some of the very valid comments about my previous statements. I wasn't talking about bass extension per se, but specific levels of output and their ability to deal with notes in a "timely" manner. The comments about mini monitors verify... 
Upper Midrange Glare problem
Aragain, i have NO idea as to what causes some interconnects to be audibly different than others or work / not work within specific systems. All i can say is that i have experienced such things first hand and i'm sure that many others here share t... 
Horizontal Bi-Amping question
A simple test to see if the highs and lows are tied together via using a common ground in the crossover would be to disconnect the shorting strap and then check for continuity between the two ground posts. If there is continuity, bi-wiring would b... 
New category for trades?
Sounds like a great idea. As to the third party escrow thing, i volunteer. Just send me all of the gear that you want to trade, i'll inspect it and listen to it for a few days and then forward it onto the other party. While this will save some peo... 
Are Tuners - Audiophile quality
Sugarbrie, both of your examples are situations that are either caused by the transmitters not meeting FCC compliance or what is called "front end overload" due to close proximity. If your not REAL close to the transmitters, make a few phone calls... 
Which IC is more important?
Thanks for clearing things up Mapleleaf. Sorry if it seemed like i was jumping on you or "nagging". It was not intended that way but may have appeared as such.As to Pop's findings about the cables between his pre and power amp making a BIG differe... 
Upper Midrange Glare problem
I have NO idea as to where to find these specific cables on the street. I stumbled across them when going through a catalogue from one of my RF distributors. Since they were quite reasonable in price, i ordered several different designs that they ... 
Are Tuners - Audiophile quality
Marv, since when is 20 MHz ( 88 MHz to 108 MHZ ) considered "narrowband" ??? There is NO antenna made that will offer a linear gain curve for that wide of a bandwidth. One could build a design with a low Q ( maximum bandwidth but with lower overal... 
Upper Midrange Glare problem
While i'm not about to get into an argument about this, there ARE cables out there that can take care of such problems and there are members here that have experienced them first hand. I know that Issabre made a few posts pertaining to the cables ... 
need help with purchase
Since you can get a Parasound 1800 for $899 brand new now, i really don't see much competition for it around. I had one and thought that it sounded the best out of the similarly priced Tuner / Pre / Processor's that i had tried at home. Keep in mi... 
Upper Midrange Glare problem
Bowlerds, drop me an email if you'd like. I'm pretty sure that I have some interconnects that will take care of your problem or at least reduce it to an acceptable level. While i'm sure that they are not up to the rest of the level of your system,... 
Are Tuners - Audiophile quality
Once the tuner receives a strong enough signal to go into what is called "full quieting", it is pretty much up to the tuner from there. This is taking into account that it is receiving a direct signal and not something loaded with multipath reflec... 
Which IC is more important?
While i understand COMPLETELY where Carl is coming from and basically agree, my question is "what makes one cable "better" than another" ? Is it price ? Is it materials ? Is it geometry ? Is it gauge ? Is it specific electrical characteristics ? e... 
"Pace", it's importance for enjoyment?
I agree with the comments about bass reproduction being part of what we think of as having good or bad prat / pace. Since bass lines ARE a major portion of the rhythm section, it's no wonder that it would affect our sense of "backbeat" or "tempo".... 
Advise sought on Adcom 5800/5802
I "inherited" a 5800 from my Father's system. Quite honestly, i thought it sounded so bad in his system that i gave him another better / more expensive amp in exchange for it just to get it out of there. I ended up selling the 5800 for a noticeabl...