
Responses from sean

Best places to find records on Chicago
Try Vintage Vinyl up in Evanston. There is also Threshold Music in Orland Park. Neither place is cheap though... :( Sean> 
CD recorder advice sought
Thanks for the very timely tip, Sam. I too am in the market for a burner and i'm sure that your post will end up saving me some money. I'm sure that others feel the same way. Sean> 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
I thought that i DID answer that question pretty plainly.Since i think that a music reproduction system includes EVERYTHING that is involved in what you hear ( this includes power cords, components, interconnects, speaker cables, racks, speakers, ... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
You are limiting the performance or "difference aspect" of a power cord to simply altering the "tone" of the system. That is NOT all that they MIGHT do. We are talking about differences in the noise floor. This in itself effects apparent dynamic r... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
This is kind of like the debate that some reviewers had with EE's when digital first came out. The reviewers claimed that there were very audible differences between digital signals. Of course, the EE's stated "digital is digital", etc... because ... 
Aragon D2A...I like it...sorta...
While i've only tried a Monarchy Super Dip, it did tighten up the bass quite a bit. Overall, it gave me the impression of adding a "quick" or "etched" sound to everything. While this might be great for a detail freak, it seemed to detract from the... 
EVS Millenium II is ready Yay or nay?
Ernie, drop me an email and we can go from there. Sean> 
How do I make a HT system out of this?
If your not real worried about the ultimate in HT fidelity or "slam", etc... do yourself a favor and just pick up an Adcom GSP 560 or 700, etc... This is a processor and three channel amp all in one package. You can feed it from your tape loop and... 
Aragon D2A...I like it...sorta...
You might also want to keep in mind that digital gear needs to be on for a while to sound / perform best. Leave it on continuously even if not playing anything through it. I've also found digital gear to be more susceptible to power cord changes t... 
Aragon D2A...I like it...sorta...
Hi Todd, hope your doing well. Have you tried a different cable between your transport and DAC ??? Between the DAC and Preamp ??? Did you know that cables can make a noticeable difference in your system : ) Sean> 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Abe, the majority of my "fancy" power cords are all homebrew designs with the exception of a few TG Audio's, LAT's and a Kimber. While this might sound like ALL of my power cords are "bought and paid for", keep in mind that i have five complete sy... 
Room Acoustics
I know exactly where your coming from once you mentioned having your speakers on a suspended floor. While J_K did a "bang up" job on describing a good plan of attack, that will still not keep the joists themselves from flexing. While it might not ... 
Best CD Transport in 1K Ball Park
For a "reasonable amount" of cash outlay, the Theta Pearl is a better transport than the Cal Delta. Take this as coming from someone that has a Delta. Sean> 
Nice Warm AC cord for a PLC
Abe, see my response to your comments over in the Dunlavy thread. What you and i were taught in school is "theory", not "reality set in stone". Obviously those theories do have some validity, otherwise we wouldn't be where we are today with the le... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Abe, you can laugh all you want. As an electronics tech by trade, i used to do more than laugh at such things. I was UTTERLY APPALLED by such things. That is, until i tried playing with various power cords. The differences WERE noticeable. In fact...