
Responses from sean

12yr old NAD receiver or new?
Most all the receivers on the market today, especially those at Best Buy / Circuit City, are under-built, over-spec'd pieces of shiny plastic. As such, don't believe their power ratings ( NOOOOO WAY ) or their distortion spec's. If it came down to... 
What stole your attention from HiFi?
I dropped out of "hi-fi" for several years. During that time, i had 8 different muscle cars. These ranged from a 482" big block with Webers to turbo-charged mouse motors to a tiny small block with a cross ram. I now drive a 10+ year old Ford Tempo... 
Do i need AC conditioner w/dedicated AC lines?
Stehno is absolutely correct in his description of how AC works, but before investing in much of anything else, i would try using some type of parallel line filters at each of the outlets that feed the amps. This should shunt most of the high freq... 
Tape Monitor Line-Out direct to amplifier solution
While i'm not familiar with the Niles unit that you mention, i don't see a problem with this at all. Only variable that i see coming into play would be the output level of the tape out being too low to drive an amplifier that lacks input sensitivi... 
Mating power cords with APL 3910
Tvad: All i can say to that is that you must have one helluva fast internet connection to have fully read that post and responded so fast!!! That was like lightning!!! Sean> 
Do materials alter frequencies and speed?
Nrchy and El: While i wouldn't call this particular motion "bench pressing", that's what i lift when i have to take a leak. They don't call me "Mister Johnson" for nothin' : ) Sean>PS... Boys will be boys ; ) 
OP AMP Capabilities in Supporting 24 bit bandwidth
I agree that everything has to be factored in. Then again, if EVERYTHING is built "gonzo", nothing is left to go wrong : )As to regulation circuits, most are piss poor. This is why there is a lack of dynamic headroom in regulated amps. That's beca... 
Mating power cords with APL 3910
FrankG: The Hydra 4 & 6 use "silver buss straps" while the Hydra 8 uses "copper buss bars". Evidently, the buss bars are heavier gauge than straps, so they went to using the cheaper conductor ( copper instead of silver ) due to the greater amo... 
OP AMP Capabilities in Supporting 24 bit bandwidth
El: That's why i said "bookworm" engineers i.e. those that design things so that they look good on paper according to the theories and formulas in their textbooks, but really have no idea as to how things will work under various operating conditio... 
Do materials alter frequencies and speed?
Rsbeck: I'm not claiming anything regarding facts and figures. I'm asking you to put your own listening skills and system to the test and tell me the results. If the cables sound different and YOU can identify these differences, yet those that you... 
OP AMP Capabilities in Supporting 24 bit bandwidth
When i first read about the ELAD, i was reminded of the old AGI 511A, which i'm still very fond of today. Both products took a very straight-foward and scientific approach to audio circuit design and utilized IC's as the main source of gain. In ef... 
Audiogon identifier at Stereophile show?
I vote for Nrchy's suggestion. I can't wait to see Albert's pictures : ) Sean>PS... Please marker your name in big letters on your underwear. This way, people will instantly recognize you and we can put a face with the name's that we are so use... 
A 5 Channel Amp that is bridgeable?
Don't bridge the mains, bi-amp them. Most bridged amps don't sound as good due to production tolerances / slight channel imbalances from channel to channel. Just make sure that the speakers can be safely bi-amped as some speakers with dual binding... 
Mating power cords with APL 3910
From what i've seen and read about the Hydra's, they are simply very sturdily built power strips using high grade parts with built in parallel line filters ( like Audioprism Quiet Lines / Enacomm AC filters ) and heavy duty MOV's for surge suppres... 
Unintended lyrics
Even when you can hear a lot of rock lyrics, some of them are: A) not understandable when played forwardand / orB) not worth trying to understand to begin withHave you ever listened to music backwards and heard what they are saying or supposedly s...