
Responses from sean

Ohm Walsh speakers; Anyone have any experience
The Ohm "Walsh Series" do not use a "real" Walsh driver, nor are they omni-directional. This series of products are basically living off of past reputation and bear little resemblance to previous Ohm designs ( A, F, G ) that did use authentic Wals... 
General opinion about ADCOM amplifiers
Based on my past experience with various Adcom products and having repaired a few, the 535 and 5802 are the only amps worth buying and that is only if you can get a good deal on them. The 535 is basically too small for most "good sounding" low eff... 
Is their a CD recorder that can do this ?
What you are asking for is basically some type of ALC ( Automatic Level Control) circuit. In the world of "high end audio", this is a big "NO-NO". In the real world when making compilations for personal use, it can come in handy. Can't make any co... 
How do you clean a McIntosh amp?
Hififile: THANK YOU for bringing up something that i did not think of. While Jcambron did not mention cleaning out the interior of the amp, i suppose that others could have read my response and assumed that it was "safe" for use on all areas of th... 
2 Classe ca 100's vs 1 Classe ca 200 ?
Good point Swampwalker. What works best will be system dependent i.e. make & model of amps and speakers being used, etc.... My comments weren't meant to reflect on this type of installation in general, but on this specific installation with th... 
2 Classe ca 100's vs 1 Classe ca 200 ?
The basic circuitry is said to be identical but scaled to accomodate the various output levels. In other words, the 100 wpc amp has a power supply capable of X amount of amps with 8 output devices and the 200 wpc has a power supply capable of XX a... 
Musical Fidelity X-10D
Using an X-10D is kind of like filling a gaping wound with sand i.e. you've stopped the bleeding but you've got a festering sore waiting to explode. Having said that, i agree with Marakanetz' post. The X-10D "works" by rounding off the leading edg... 
I strangled my pipe
Glad you posted your results for everyone to see Brent. You've proven a point that i've brought up in the past i.e. dedicated lines are a step in the right direction, but you still need some type of high quality "filter" in the system. Otherwise, ... 
2 Classe ca 100's vs 1 Classe ca 200 ?
I would shoot for the CA-200 over the two CA-100's in terms of sonics. That is, unless power / spl capacity is more important to you than the overall sound.My past experience with Classe' amps is that they start sounding better as you get to the 2... 
How do you clean a McIntosh amp?
Washing tubes will typically take the lettering off of them. Using a very mild cleaner, such as something like Murphy's oil soap highly diluted in warm water, may help to remove the "grunge" without removing the lettering on the amp itself. Obviou... 
replace/substitute 8" bextrene woofer?
Why not contact Audax and ask them what they think would be a suitable replacement or have them recommend a suitable reconing facility ? This might be the easiest way to solve your problem without a lot of guess-work involved. Sean> 
Review: Pass Labs Aleph 3 Amplifier
Glad to see another "convert" into Nelson's camp. While i do believe that the Aleph's were a divergence from most of his prior work and his current offerings, i think that the love and finesse that he puts into any product shines through as far as... 
Signal degration over length, source vs. output ?
I agree with what El and Kr4 are saying in terms of low output impedances being highly beneficial to this situation, but El is tossing out statements about long mic cables while forgetting to mention that these are all primarily runs of balanced /... 
How do you get past the pops and hiss of LPs?
Until you reach a certain level of digital playback quality using redbook cd's, a very reasonable vinyl system with records that have been cleaned and taken care of will provide a far higher level of liquidity, transient response, separation of no... 
Early 1970's rock: Name some of your favorites
Any of you guys remember a band called "Dust" ? I used to have two of their albums. One was called "Hard Attack" and i can't remember the name of the other one, which was the better of the two. What made me think about this was hearing a Ramone's ...