
Responses from sean

Bryston 4B gets HOT. Should I leave it on?
A) Bryston's are not high bias amps and therefore will not benefit as much as other amps that experience wide temperature swings between normal operation or being turned off. B) Your amp is defective if it is running as you described it. While i h... 
Building a Subwoofer
Before you even think about spending your first penny, buy and read a book called Loudspeaker Design Cookbook by Vance Dickason. While it is not hard to build a subwoofer that shakes, rattles and rolls, it is tough to build one that is accurate, a... 
Help with very low noise, SS amp for La Scalas?
Bare in mind that, due to their high efficiency, you'll only be using a watt or two at the very most for most listening unless you're listening to a recording that is very dynamic and / or you are "trying to raise the roof" and jamming. As such, y... 
Decca London Cartridge?
While i've never heard this cartridge, IAR stated that it was pretty good sounding. I have a hard time understanding this statement as Moncrieff is usually a tough critic and the frequency response of this cartridge as he measured it was pretty ho... 
La Scala vs Klipschorn
If you use false corners, you have to make sure that they are VERY dead. Otherwise, they will act like a giant passive radiator and contribute their own sonic signature / resonances to what you are hearing. Sean> 
Bryston 4B gets HOT. Should I leave it on?
If the amp is as hot as you state it is, you are going to increase the rate of failure of capacitors, possibly shorting out the transformer and / or bridge rectifiers when they decide to let loose, etc... This is not to mention that extreme heat w... 
Bulk Erasing CD's = Digital Nirvana?
While i've never used a bulk eraser, i would have to imagine that the effects would be both beneficial and subtle if they are anything like what one achieves using a Bedini. The advantage that the Bedini has is that it should be quite uniform in "... 
Bryston 4B gets HOT. Should I leave it on?
Bryston's are not biased high enough to get this hot during normal operation or at idle. As such, your amp is in need of attention. I would contact Bryston USA and send it in for service. While your unit is no longer under warranty, Bryston is phe... 
Top Ten Tuners of all Time??
I work on brand new units right out of the box and notice these problems even more than on used units in for repair. Having said that, i can align a brand new unit after the manufacturer's recommended period of warm up and when it comes back in af... 
I have a huge hump at 30Hz
Herman: Are you using any type of room treatments now ? How are you measuring your in-room response ? Sean> 
La Scala vs Klipschorn
The K-horns will have greater bass weight and extension compared to stock La Scala's. Something else to consider would be the height of your ears above ground when seated at your listening position. The K-horns are noticeably taller than the La Sc... 
Top Ten Tuners of all Time??
El: Even with "modern digital circuitry", there are still PLENTY of unit to unit variations that one has to deal with. I work on mass produced PLL based transceivers on a daily basis and see identical units that perform from one extreme to another... 
Good ROCK speakers
Drubin: I've had multiple pairs of Hereys's and La Scala's and still have a pair of each of them. All of them have been modified to various extents and i would not be horribly upset if i was stuck with either set of speakers so long as i could bui... 
Amp blowing fuses
Just because you've got a cap in series with the circuit does not mean that you are guaranteed to be "DC free". Sean> 
Good ROCK speakers
4 modified Klipsch Heresy's with four additional sealed, stuffed and downloaded 12" subwoofers. Cross them over at about 50 - 60 Hz with a sharp slope ( preferably 24 dB's / octave, but 18 dB's will get you by ). Crank it up and bring plenty of po...