
Responses from sean

Worthwhile $5 Tweak
Stehno: While i agree with what you are saying regarding filtration, why doesn't the manufacturer build adequate filtering into each component that they make ? There is NO reason that outboard filtering should be necessary. That is, IF these "mega... 
Has audiophilia changed your music taste?
Thanks Rosstaman for summing that up so well. You did forget to mention one thing though. That is, she and her band can deliver everything that you want or expect when you see them live. They are not like some of these "studio effect" singers / pe... 
Worthwhile $5 Tweak
Swampwalker: Thanks for making me aware of that. I just provided a link to their website and didn't even know that they had further info as to part numbers to purchase it from Rat Shack.As to your cable tv signal degrading over time, corrosion see... 
The Scariest Story Ever Told?
Sheesh. All of these stories about tube products belching out smoke, blowing up, spitting fire, etc... makes me want to run right out and buy more tubed gear. If i remember correctly, i made mention of this kind of stuff in what turned out to be a... 
Do you really need ultra expensive cables?
No need for ultra expensive cables. You just need well designed cables that use quality ingredients and proper assembly techniques. If you stick with low capacitance designs for interconnects, high capacitance designs for speaker cables and high c... 
Are Audio Dealers Missing the Boat?
While an escrow service might verify that they have the product, would you rather have them inspecting audio gear and saying "it's good to go" or a professional dealer that ( hopefully ) knows the in's and out's of putting a product through its' p... 
Worthwhile $5 Tweak
Hdm: To take your comments one step further, i would recommend applying some type of weatherproof sealant to the ground rod / point of connection once it is all cleaned up and re-connected. If you don't do this, you'll be right back where you star... 
Has audiophilia changed your music taste?
Rsbeck: I'm not saying that one type of music or system is better than any other. Nor am i saying that people's tastes and attitudes don't change with time. What i am saying is that a good system should allow you to listen to whatever you want, wh... 
5 best underrated or unknown bands and why?
Underground bands are only underground to those that stay within the mainstream of commercial music. Those that like to stray off the beaten path are more likely to be familiar with "out of the ordinary" bands that really are "underground" to the ... 
Do you keep your amps and preamps on all the time
I agree with what you have to say Marakanetz. Even with what appears to be a massive amount of "fins", some of these amps are still lacking the proper amount of heatsinking due to the number of output devices and / or bias levels being used. As su... 
"Grid leakage" problem common to tube pre-amps?
While i know nothing about the line or product design, it seems as if DC leakage and the BAT name appear in quite a few threads on this subject. While i believe Victor to be extremely responsive to customer concerns, he might want to start checkin... 
Do you keep your amps and preamps on all the time
In response to your question, yes, i leave all of my SS gear on at all times. That is, unless there is a horrible storm taking place, i'm doing major work on the system or i'm leaving town. Tube based digital gear ( DAC's ) also remains on but the... 
Has audiophilia changed your music taste?
Well, kinda sorta. My tastes have not so much changed as they have expanded. I found myself listening to more "audiophile type music" for a very short period of time, but then i fixed my systems : )Honestly though, if you find that you can't enjoy... 
Should I Mod a Sony XA7ES with Superclock 2
You might be better off upgrading and / or reducing the number of caps in this unit. I have a friend that performed these types of mods to his similar Sony unit and was elated with the results. Sean> 
Genetic differences in turntable design.
Tom: I hear you and respect both you and your opinions. I'm also glad that you were honest enough to discuss the shortcomings of a reputable product "point blank". At the same time, i'm somewhat disappointed that you felt the need to be "PC" in te...