
Responses from sean

subwoofer amplification
Given the very limited power output of the original Janus amps ( something like 60 watts if i remember correctly ), i would think that you would be MUCH better off with a good quality external amp. Having said that, i don't know if the OEM Janus a... 
What was your greatest epiphany?
Switching from an SS based digital system to a tube based digital system. This opened my eyes / ears to the fact that digital could indeed sound like music and not just a "facsimile" of music. Switching from a tubed digital system to a higher grad... 
Examples of exceptional soundstaging
The first one that came to my mind is Loreena McKennitt "The Mask and Mirror". Very spacious with a great sense of depth, width, height and center fill. Sean> 
How do you get past the pops and hiss of LPs?
If the records are permanently damaged, no cleaning will bring them back to life. If the records are properly cleaned and your vynil rig / phono section is of good quality and properly set-up, surface noise is not a problem at all. A decent linear... 
Do you really need ultra expensive cables? There are some that will dispute anything that i say. As such, i don't worry about such trivial things. People can either agree with me or be wrong. It's their option : ) Sean>PS... I "had" to use that one. I saw a t-shirt that s... 
Worthwhile $5 Tweak
Stehno: I read Musicfirst's posting and explanation and it appears that he and i share several common theory's / beliefs. From what i can tell, it appears that these devices use several independent isolation transformers within one common chassis.... 
Do you really need ultra expensive cables?
Clarion has had what were probably the best auto tuners and cassette sections ( possibly Nak beat them on these, but... ) for many, many years. Since Clarion never used distributors to push their products and had complete control over what dealers... 
Hardwiring would be a great idea. That is, if someone kept components long enough to have dust settle on them : ) Sean> 
The Scariest Story Ever Told?
Personally, i think large quantities of vomit being introduced into your system at various points would do more damage than any quantity of Adam Sandler recordings : ) Sean> 
Bryston VS Odyssey
THD is but a VERY small part of the sonic picture. On top of this, THD can easily be lowered / manipulated via the use of high quantities of negative feedback. As a general rule, the more negative feedback that one uses, which typically results in... 
Anyone tried the new Decware WO32?
Having been to Decware's "Research, Design, Repair and Production Facility" and dealt with these people face to face, i would take anything that they have to say with the largest grain of salt that you can find. I'll just say that the folks that r... 
Which artists do you just not get?
Inna & Duane: I'm more than willing to give Mahavishnu a "real" try. To be quite honest, i've never really sat down and listened to them and have only heard bits and pieces at various times. Those "bits & pieces" were so repulsive to me th... 
Why do you listen music?
Mike: It's good to see that the content of the music was more important to you than how the music was presented. I'm sure that the artists that recorded these "messages" also feel the same way and are glad that you could enjoy them, even under les... 
Which artists do you just not get?
I agree with Stehno on both counts i.e. most rap and a lot of "jazz". While dissonance in rock music is one thing ( they usually at least maintain a steady beat of some type ), some jazz sounds like you've got various performers in different rooms... 
Long v. short
What works best will be determined by the type of speakers that you are using and how you end up having to place them due to traffic patterns & furniture. If this is a dedicated audio room, have some fun, do some learning and experiment : ) Se...