
Responses from sdcampbell

Stereophile looses Jonathan Scull
I subscribed to Stereopiles for many years, and then began buying occasional copies on the newstand when there was an article that interested me. Count me in the group that thinks it is time to "blow taps" over this once-proud audio mag. With its ... 
Why is my Audio Research SP6-b noisy?
The usual cause of hiss and related noise in a tube preamp is tubes that need to be replaced, or re-biased. This type of noise will be particularly notable with horn speakers, which are very efficient. Maybe some owners of SP-6b preamps will have ... 
Pick your favorite, and tell me why...
As already noted, there are a lot of fine tenor sax players, and I could supply a list of 100 or more. However, I have a recommendation for a player that is new to me, who was mentioned on a post several days ago. His name is Bob Kindred, and he i... 
Best TV for approx. 300? 25"-"27
If your budget will stretch to $500, I'd strongly recommend the Sony WEGA 27" television. I recently bought this TV for our daughter -- Goodguys had an Internet deal for $495, which included sales tax and delivery to your door. For my money, the S... 
Review: 2 new releases from Mapleshade
Hi, Albert: Bluegrass, strictly speaking, is a relatively new form of popular music that arose during the past 75 years, but it has deep roots in American history, drawing from the music played by the early settlers to the Appalachian and Piedmont... 
subwoofer setup problem
The general rule-of-thumb for integrating subs and main speakers is to allow a one-octave overlap. Hence, if your main speakers were flat to 40 Hz, you'd want the subwoofer's crossover point to be about 80 Hz. 
There have been several threads posted on this topic over the past 6 months, so you might search the archives for the ideas already posted.As a quick response to your question, I have used the following cleaning solution on my LP's for more than 2... 
rock/jazz fusion
Two other groups that I should have mentioned in my original post:1. Tony Williams group, Lifetime, from the late 1960's;2. The Jeff Lorber Fusion. 
So how many people are using subwoofers
A response to "Gold": if you have been disappointed with the way that subs reproduce music, then I'm inclined to say that you haven't heard the right sub(s). The Vandersteen 2Wq subs do a wonderful job with music. They are fast, dynamic, and very ... 
LAST???? Has anybody tried this?
Hi. I've treated some 1700-1800 LP's with LAST since about 1980, and think it is an excellent preservative, particularly if your vinyl gets a lot of play. As you may be aware, the abbreviation "LAST" stands for "liquid archival sound treatment". T... 
Preamp-phonostage selection for analog lover
Hi, Barbara. I join Sean in welcoming you. I'm not going to add much to this conversation, except to pose a question, and make one comment. You state that you have been listening to the Lehmann Audio Black Cube -- is it the version with the origin... 
combining 3 channel and 2 channel amps
Sean's point offers a good clarification: if you use your system for both audio and HT, and audio is important to you, then -- all other things being equal -- use the highest quality amp to drive the main speakers. 
combining 3 channel and 2 channel amps
You pose a very interesting question, and I suspect the answer for your particular situation will only be revealed through listening. Manufacturers of 3-channel amps that have a shared power supply (one transformer and set of filter caps for all 3... 
Gain for Moving Coil Cartridges
For a moving coil cartridge with 0.4 mV of output, you probably need a phono preamp with about 60 db of gain (as already suggested). However, that depends a bit on whether you have a solid state or tube preamp. Generally speaking, a solid state un... 
Technically Correct Subwoofer Settings.....
Psychic, Danner, and Sean all make excellent points, and I'll add only a few minor comments. First, however, I'll second the "do it by ear" method of adjusting the subwoofer output. I have two Vandy 2WQ subs that I use in conjunction with Vandy 3A...