
Responses from sdcampbell

Best Subwoofers? for my system
Hi, Jeff:I suggest you do a search of the Audiogon archives. There have been many, many threads over the past 6 months on the subject of subwoofers. You might start by looking for a post I submitted which summarized the tests of subwoofers conduct... 
Headphones and amp questions
In my previous post, I should have also have stated that the Sennheiser HD600's can be purchased new for $300 (I think that was the price quoted in a recent ad by Headroom). Given their excellent sound quality, that makes the HD600's a real bargai... 
Headphones and amp questions
You will get a variety of opinions about the Grado vs. Sennheiser HD600 headphones, but I will quickly crawl out on a limb here and state that the HD600's are the best headphones I've heard except for the Stax Lambda, which cost a LOT more money. ... 
Two subwoofers??
I've been using a pair of Vandersteen 2Wq subs for about 4 months, and wouldn't go back to just a single. It isn't just a matter of additional sound levels -- the quality of the deep bass is better. Also, in many rooms having a pair of subs also r... 
Jazz with less horns??
In a nutshell, virtually any good jazz piano or guitar trio/quartet should get you started. Since you are relatively new to jazz, I'd suggest you try the following:1. Piano groups led by: Bill Evans, Kenny Barron, Marian McPartland, Oscar Peterson... 
For organ afficianados
Thanks for the tip, Jimmy. I love good organ recordings, and will definitely add this one to my collection. To return your favor, there is an organ recording on LP done about 20 years by Mark Wilson on his Wilson Audio label. The recording feature... 
40hz ratings/speaker response
Hi, Joe: The frequency range quoted for a speaker is normally stated to some frequency at which point the response is down by 3db. Hence, the speaker has usuable output below that point, but it will be increasingly weak. If you looked at a graph o... 
Recommendation for HT w/Vandersteen 2Ce
I have a HT system built around my Vandersteen 3A Signatures, and have a few observations that may have some value for you.First, as Mg123 said above, don't expect the 2Ci's to produce extreme sound pressure levels. They will do movie track and LF... 
Need help on speaker choice
You are probably going to get a real mixed bag of opinion on your question, and FWIW, here's mine.I have no experience with the Bohlenders, but have owned Acoustats and Carver Amazings, and done a lot of listening to a pair of Slant 6's owned by a... 
tt advice. best arm/table combo around 4k used
As an owner of a VPI turntable for more than 10 years, I can certainly recommend you give serious consideration to the VPI Aries -- either the standard version, or the newer "hot rod" version.However, if I were buying a new turntable today, the ne... 
need help - Cd players
If you are willing to buy a used unit, then the Adcom GCD-750 is close to your price range. The GCD-750 is a fine unit. The only caveat I might offer is that Adcom has just recently been purchased by Klein Technologies, and the company's future ha... 
B&K separates or the AVR307?
I think the questions that you to answer first -- for yourself, and maybe for those who may respond to your post -- are: how serious are you about home theater, and based on this answer, what cost is justifiable?If your primary interest is audio, ... 
"Calle 54": a great music DVD
I forgot to mention that the soundtrack from this DVD won the 2002 Grammy for Best Latin Jazz Album. I don't set a lot of store by the Grammies, but this time they seem to have made a good choice.Killerpiglet: good tips -- thanks! I have been a bi... 
Serious scare over hearing loss
Thanks for the supportive and interesting responses. In making my post, I forgot to mention one of the other, less pleasant side effects that can occur with the "statin" drugs (which are derived from Aspergillus terreus): erectile dysfunction. And... 
Does using a powered subwoofer make better sound?
In short: yes, a powered sub -- if it's the right one -- could definitely enhance the performance of your system. There have been a lot of posts on this subject over the past 3-4 months. I contributed a long piece which summarized the results of W...