
Responses from sdcampbell

No bass for HT with Vandersteen 2wq...
Hi, Alouie. You're welcome. The "permanent" crossover that Vandersteen provides is decent, if not the last word. I think the X-over sells for $125. If you really want to go "top drawer", the Model 5 crossover also works with the 2Wq. It is, howeve... 
Best Blues Rock recommendations?
Excellent addition to the list, Craig. I should have listed Lonnie -- you are right, the guys rocks like hell. 
Best Blues Rock recommendations?
Well, gosh, where to begin. Based on the folks you have been listening to, you seem to gravitate toward urban/Chicago-style electric blues (see item #5 below). I will, however, throw out some names that represent a number of styles, since you may ... 
No bass for HT with Vandersteen 2wq...
In my earlier post, I forgot to mention one other factor: placement of the Vandy subs in your listening room. I have talked directly with Richard Vandersteen on this subject, and his guidance (repeated in the user's manual) is to place the 2Wq's i... 
Do "Tube Rings" really work?
Tube rings are like many tweaks: NOT hearing an improvement in the sound creates a "cognitive dissonance", and the more money spent on the tweak, the greater the need to hear an improvement. The only way to accurately gauge whether tube rings real... 
No bass for HT with Vandersteen 2wq...
Well, for starters, the Vandy 2Wq MUST be used with the Vandy-supplied crossover. The Vandy 2Wq system is designed so that the crossover not only switches over from the main speaker to the sub(s) at about 80 Hz, but the subs themselves have a buil... 
Best 5 channel amp under 4k
Nearly every audio review list has the Bryston 9B-ST on its "Best of" or "Class A Recommended" list. MSRP is about $3800, and you can often get it used for $2600 or so. It's an excellent unit that ought to be on your short list for audition. 
Suggestions For Phono Preamp....
I own the Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE (the newer version with the much larger PWX power supply), and can highly recommend it. It costs $875 new, or you can buy a used version of the basic Black Cube for around $400 and have HyendAudio, the U.S. di... 
DVD player as the best transport to use with DAC?
I can't state that using a DVD player as a CD transport will necessarily outperform a good CD deck, but I can tell you that I use my Pioneer Elite DV-37 DVD player as a CD transport and think it does an outstanding job. Others who post on this for... 
Speakers around 20k
The latest issue of TAS contained a nearly rave review by Tony Cordesman of the $15,000 Legacy Whispers. Cordesman compared them to his $30,000 Dynaudios, and said it was virtually a dead heat between the 2 speakers (despite a 2-to-1 price differe... 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
I have a 2001 Nissan Maxima and a 1998 Nissan Altima. Both have high quality sound systems which a friend and I installed. 
Opinions on the ulitmate dvd demo...
Widescreen Review mag has a compilation of DTS movie trailers. The one I bought had some good clips from "Gladiator", "U-571", "Chicken Run", "Saving Private Ryan", and about 10 other movies. The DTS sound is excellent, and of course the clips are... 
How do you decide on new music to buy?
I read a lot of music reviews from various music mags, such as Downbeat, Blues Review, Gramophone, TAS, Stereophile, TSS, etc. Then I usually go to a couple of Internet sites to see if I can find clips of the music to listen to. Tower Records ofte... 
What's the best Sub ??
I suggest you look in the A-gon archives -- there have been many threads on this subject over the past 4-6 months. You might find it helpful to look for an article I submitted which summarized the results of subwoofer tests done by Widescreen Revi... 
What's the best Preamp??
Bryston's SP-1 is an excellent pre/pro, and this month Bryston is due to introduce the 7.1 channel version of this unit -- to be called the SP-1.7, I think. Given the other pre/pros on your list, you should take a look at the Bryston.